broken keel

Today I broke a keel off of my fish. It snapped off taking some foam with it. Happy the keel was wood and floated. I have never delt with anything like this before and I couldn’t find anything in the archives (or maybe I didn’t look hard enough). Here is how I plan to fix it, please tell me if this is wrong.

-I will place some resin on the foam and tape the fin down in its original location

-come back and sand the board and fin smooth

-cut the football shaped patches of cloth and glass them on

the roving stayed on the fin, should I sand it off and start fresh?


This is how I would approach it until I hear something better from the more experienced.

  1. Rinse with fresh water. Let it dry out.

  2. Grind/sand the bottom to remove old resin to the level of the original bottom contour.

  3. Mix lam resin/cabosil and smooth over the gouged foam. Lam a piece of glass over the hole.

  4. Make sure the hotcoat around the fin has been sanded or the footballs won’t adhere very well.

  5. Grind off all that old roving and crap around the fin.

  6. Remount the fin in its original location using new roving and glass football patches using lam resin.

  7. Hotcoat over that. Sand it. Surf it. Mike