Bubbles in Glass

Are bubbles in glass bad? Is there any problems related to he bubbles, or do they just look bad?

Are bubbles in glass bad? Is there any problems related to he bubbles, or > do they just look bad? If there is air between the glass and the foam, then the glass is not bounding to the foam. That’s bad. If the bubbles are too big, when you start to sand you will brake through, and thats also bad. You should do something about the bigger ones before you hot coat, ie: cut them out and add some glass over the hole. The smaller ones look bad but there is not a lot you can do about them.

If you can get some syringes (try a farm supply place - they sell them to animal owners) and a short thick needle (16-18ga) you can inject resin into bigger holes. For pin air through out the lamination, it will be impossible to remedy once you’ve hot coated. I’ve discovered pin air in my lamination as I was hotcoating and quickly squeegeed the hotcoat resin into the holes followed by brush strokes but in a double lamination, the pin air may be too deep to reach that way.

What is the primary cause of the bubbles? Is it due to stirring air in the resin? Can any shaping irregularities help contribute to bubbles in the glass (i.e. scratched foam or stringer, etc)?>>> If there is air between the glass and the foam, then the glass is not > bounding to the foam. That’s bad. If the bubbles are too big, when you > start to sand you will brake through, and thats also bad. You should do > something about the bigger ones before you hot coat, ie: cut them out and > add some glass over the hole. The smaller ones look bad but there is not a > lot you can do about them.

Nevermind; just found my answer in the archives.>>> What is the primary cause of the bubbles? Is it due to stirring air in the > resin? Can any shaping irregularities help contribute to bubbles in the > glass (i.e. scratched foam or stringer, etc)?

Nevermind; just found my answer in the archives. If you use a glass stirring rod (like a drink stir rod) you won’t get air bubbles but you’ll still get air from the brush when you apply it to the board.Aloha, Kokua