Bug With Aku Shaper

Aku Shaper on OS X that is. Sometimes when I zoom in quite close and place my mouse cursor over one of the nodes (one of the little squares) the slice completely disappears. When I move my mouse cursor away the slice shows itself again. Has anyone else noticed this? Does anyone really care? Or should I just lay off the crack and go back to hand shaping?

Technically I think what’s happening is a bug, sort of. I think the bug is the way we are assuming the screen size in the Slice panel.

But are you zooming in super close?


That happens to me, too, but only if I’ve been using for too many hours in a row. I save my board, shut the AKU software down, have a drink, wander around the house, and restart it. That seems to fix it, until I sit in front of it for too long again.

I sometimes get ghost points…

And, on some of my boards, when I click “Top”, some of the “Bottom” points remain active and on screen (nose and/or tail control points).

the issues mentioned above are mac osx/java issues. mac has its own timetable to update java on mac and it falls way behind the actual latest editions of java. you can download java 6 if you have a developers login with mac. i have done this but then you run into other issues… i now have VM ware fusion to run windows on my mac. then if osx gets a little buggy i switch over to xp and finish what i want to do. that way i can use shape 3d too if i need to do something else or use 3d view to check things etc. 95% of the time mac gets everything fine.

Is there a 3D version of akushaper available yet??



the issues mentioned above are mac osx/java issues. mac has its own timetable to update java on mac and it falls way behind the actual latest editions of java. you can download java 6 if you have a developers login with mac. i have done this but then you run into other issues… i now have VM ware fusion to run windows on my mac. then if osx gets a little buggy i switch over to xp and finish what i want to do. that way i can use shape 3d too if i need to do something else or use 3d view to check things etc. 95% of the time mac gets everything fine.

Have you tried Parallels at all? Never heard of Fusion but I might give it a go.

yep i have both, paralells is way more memory hungry and works like windows… VMWARE fusion is more like a mac cross with linux version. eg it just works and has lots of editable options


i dont know about akushaper and 3d. i just use the old aps3000 version 1.13 . shape 3d and a Beta of Boardcad.


i dont know about akushaper and 3d. i just use the old aps3000 version 1.13 . shape 3d and a Beta of Boardcad.

Shape 3D Version 8 has new features that are present in akushaper as well. I use a mouse with a wheel and have no trouble zooming in and out.


I know even less about this stuff. I am wanting to create the dimensions of some boards I have (a) in the event of getting something similar shaped I can provide specific info i n the event I don’t have the board and (b) it allows me to compare boards , in more detail than just the basics of length, width etc.

What I am looking for is something I can type dimensions into and for the program to recreate the board. I read somewhere that it was possible to scan a picture in for this purpose?

Any ideas are appreciated,


that would be a handy bit of software… i suggest you get a ruler and a notepad and get busy. enter it into a spreadsheet and work then with a shaper who can interpret and communicate well. in fact get a shaper who has always kept his boards on file. then use him to make your boards with your progression in mind…

otherwise take the time to learn computers/surfboard design and material science. or even easier read everything on swaylocks, go to bunnings, buy some tools and have a go. i often think i wish every customer should make at least one board to see whats involved!


I have been getting custom boards off the same guy for probably more than 25 years. Last 4 years or so, I have also started riding paipo boards (most guys my age go longer not shorter). I doubt the guy who shapes my boards is interested in this direction.

I have been following some of the posts on measuring rocker and planshape dimensions. Someone also mentioned a spreadsheet they had developed. I might follow this up.


good to see a loyal customer! i think your on the right track then… cheers and drop in and show me your paipo next time you going past. im building a few at the moment, and really enjoying it.


Are you at Tugun? I don’t live on the coast anymore but grew up at Currumbin and occasionally I run into crew I grew up with.

Do you have any photos of your paipo? My e-mail can be obtained by clicking on the image next to my post if you had a link or photos.
