Cab-O-Sil? We doan need no stingking Cab-O-Sil!

And what would this do to the ageing Surfers bouyancy?

Though I’m guessing there’s plenty of amorphous fuming going on as you’re filling either Depends or Diapers.

It’s probably been answered before somewhere, but I’m doing this at work so can’t (shouldn’t) spend much time trawling through the forums looking for the answer…

Herb’s trick with the diaper (nappy as we call them down here) filling - could I use this when installing a fin box to add strength to the bond? With two kids under 3 in the house, I have shitloads (excuse the pun) of nappies lying around the place, one or two not filled with the brown substance.


Sorry, double post trying to get back to the forum topic. Ignore this one…


Doan know CassS.

File this under something else Brian doesn’t do right - I don’t use fin plugs/tracks anymore.

I mold the fin mounts directly into the boards using slow cure resin and the fiber used in this thread.

[img_assist|nid=1060299|title=Brian’s Fin Systems - Part 1 - Layout|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=480|height=640]
























[img_assist|nid=1060861|title=Brian’s Fin Systems - Part 2 - Prep|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=480|height=640]
























[img_assist|nid=1060862|title=Brian’s Fin Systems - Part 3 - Pouring the plugs|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=640|height=480]



















[img_assist|nid=1060863|title=Brian’s Fin Systems - Part Last - Fin|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=480|height=640]


Glad I found out about this BEFORE you offered me a Margarita…

Yes, well, as they say…

The best things in life are bad for you.

And thanks for blowing the lid on my killer Margarita recipie.

'Sides, most of that stuff passes right on through though occaisionally it itches when you wiz.

Brian, you just blew my mind! You pre-cast the fin boxes in the foam? Could you expand on this please? Do you drill all the way through to get deck to bottom integrity? What happens when cast? Do you simply drill and tap a set screw hole for the fin? This could be groundbreaking. The elimination of weak fin boxes and the ability to do it at home. Are the holes sealed before casting?

I've got a million of these questions but I'll stop there.

Mr. Brian, how are you capping the openings opposite the pour side while the mix is setting up?

I’m sitting here watching a so-so movie after a long day of fair work, crappy waves, better shrimp and chicken and good wine - am simply to lazy to post pics at the moment so I’ll just breifly describe it.

The holes may be capped with masking tape (allows a nice bulge that may be sanded down flush) or inserts that create mounting sockets/tracks for fins, rudder bearings, mast steps, etc…

If the pour side has fall-off add a short Coffer surrounding the hole using masking tape or something else to allow the resin to set above grade.  Once cured sand to surface.

If an insert has been used to create a molded inset fill the cavity prior to glassing.  Foam works pretty well to fill since once cured the glass can be trimmed away then the foam removed mechanically or chemically with a solvent.

And dat’s it.

You using polyester or epoxy?  How “hard” is it to sand?

Green Room or West epoxy resin and their respective hardener.

Flash/overfill is ground down close then sanded.  Not any more time consuming or difficult than what is already done.

In fact, overall, much less so which is a primary reason for going this route.



Got shots of a completed plug set – with and without fins installed?

I would enjoy seeing a photo sequence of your process start to finish.