Is there a CAD/CAM program considered the industry standard for surfboard design? Is there a milling machine considered the industry standard in the same regard? Thanks.
Is there a CAD/CAM program considered the industry standard for surfboard > design?>>> Is there a milling machine considered the industry standard in the same > regard?>>> Thanks. I don’t know about industry standards - but turbocad has a new program called turbocadcam, which, as the name implies, will output g-code tool paths for standard cnc machines. Blank shaping is a specialised area - turbocadcam doesn’t have foam as a default material, but with a bit of hotrodding you could probably get useable pre-shapes from a cnc router (a fair bit of finishing would be required, I’d imagine). Check
Check the archives here. Look for Dat 98, machine, KKL, pre shapes, etc… There is actually some pretty decent dialogue about this subject here. You have a couple of hours of searching and reading ahead of you…>>> Is there a CAD/CAM program considered the industry standard for surfboard > design?>>> Is there a milling machine considered the industry standard in the same > regard?>>> Thanks.