California's Latest Environmental "Crisis"

Talk all you want about Ca and our liberal government, but remember that Ca is the third largest economy in the world.With out us these environmental laws would not be passed and the state of the nations environment would be alot worse than it already is and will be getting worse if we allow this administration to continue in the nations capital after this term is ended. No wet,soggy noodle you do not know what you are talking about you live in the most conservative state.That is run by extreme conseratives that blantly lied to the people to get elected by saying that they were compassionate conseratives, the same way that the idiot that runs this country lies to the people. For the record I lived in Tx for two years and still have friends there wet,soggy noodle have you ever even left Tx,been to Ca or any other state for that matter. By the way FUCK the Alamo. Rick

FVCK the Alamo?? that was way harsh…

Hey Ramon, good to see you’re still hanging around here. How are the boards coming?

it’s good to see you too, Greg. i’m never far from Swaylock’s, and even though I haven’t touched a tool in months, i’m always building the next one in my mind. your new 7’3" egg is real nice. the fact that you’ve chosen to donate it to a cause that benefits all of us has made me proud to be your fellow swayaholic! kudosand best regards, ramon

Ramon! Long time no talk. How’s the fish? Seems as if you guys might have been getting some surf over there lately??? Tom S.

Noodle, I DID eliminate VOC’s. Years ago. It’s not even hard to do and everyone should. As far as the new mandates on said VOC’s, sometimes it is government’s responsibility to lead… imagine that! Furthermore, here we are on the brink of hydrogen fuel emancipation and Bush gets lauded for proposing 2 billion dollars a year on research. Meanwhile we spend 75 billion in Iraq to save us from our own gasaholic demise while our cities (LA and Houston included) choke on our excess. The answers are right there in front of us and technology is the light we seek.

Hey Ramon. How’s the frame building coming. I’m about to start on my third one. It’s hard to resist slamming this guy, but I think he just slammed himself.

Did you work with Henry Fry in Costa? Fry’s (in Houston) is where I’ve been buying blanks and some of my resin. “I DID eliminate VOC’s.” I thought about epoxy builders when I gave that advice. It’s been done… but I wasn’t sure that you might not be associated with this move to eliminate your competition. I agree that government sometimes has to be a clearing house for action. If California hadn’t taken action years ago, those poor school children would still be choking. Neither Californians or anybody else fully understood how the products we were using were hurting us. But that was then and this is now. The environmental measures which can be taken without eliminating our ability to feed those choking children should be taken, and for the most part are being taken. As far as government making expensive, repressive demands though, California’s government is doing nothing but shooting itself in the foot. Demands won’t force Californians to do anything but buy foreign surfboards… again, putting California’s pollution elsewhere. Like UV resin, if epoxy is superior and cost effective (and it is) Californians will find it without their government forcing them to. And they get to breathe cleaner air. Private enterprise will find the answers. If people want to pay for cleaner products, somebody will find a way to sell them. Technology takes time.

I did help Henry Fry get started in the epoxy realm. He started about… maybe…12 years ago. As far as eliminating competition through government lobby, I don’t have much influence on today’s senate docket. Again, as I said above, the surfboard industry is incredibly small. If you took all the major glass shops in California and added all the square footage it would probably equal the frozen foods section at your local Super Walmart. I personally don’t think that industry will always find the best way. Change is hard for some and the surfboard industry is certainly one that resists change. Coupled with an unresponsive and irresponsible surfing media, change in this industry will only happen through government intervention. I know that sounds harsh but that’s what I’ve seen over the years. I’ve written articles about this that actually did get published and the media turned around an issue later and took it all back. They didn’t check for accuracy in my article or the rebuttal which was slanted to say the least. What we do in our shop is no more difficult or expensive than in any other shop. We did eliminate all VOC’s over 10 years ago with simple, easy methods that actually saved money. And we give these methods away to anyone that asks.

Greg, what you`ve been doing (and saying) for so long is just fantastic. When you get a website up and running, please post it here in Swaylocks. I know a lot of us will help spread the word. Many thanks. Dale

Noodle, Unfortunately the uneducated, peice work mentality of the glass shops in Socal and elsewhere will not change unless forced. Most these shops don’t know how much it costs them to glass a board and all they are worried about is cost of materials instead of focusing on ways to lower costs internally through more efficient operations. Yeah maybe eventually someone will kick there ass, but unfortunately it will probably be the Chinese. Also, this is not a California issue, but a national issue. MACT will take effect in about 1-1/2 years. One of the MACT documents lists issues brought up by the different resin companies saying they couldn’t do this or that, but already they have found methods to overcome a lot of these issues. These new rules are making the resin manufactures to develop new technologies to lower VOC’s with success. I don’t see what the problem with that is.

Hi Tom! yes, last week our neighbors north of fort pierce were blessed with about 5 straight days of head+ groundswell. unfortunately, i have been down here tending to life’s other necessities. without elaborating too much, it’s been a real poor year of surf for me. 2 things dominate my thoughts: moving to central fl. within the next 3 years, and building some more boards. i must get out of the shadows of the bahamas, or i may as well be a snow skier down here. maybe the central fl. swaylocks contingent can recommend an ideal location! are you currently building? ramon

Hey Noodle, I’m a big admirer of bike frames and components, but not a framebuilder. I did read that you are contemplating building a recumbent in the Kestrel/Monocoque style!!! I’d like to hear how that goes, is there a BBS on the web for framebuilders to exchange ideas and pics? have a nice weekend, ramon

Paranoid? That reminds me of when Hillary blamed a “vast right-wing >conspiracy” for falsely accusing Mr. Hillary of molesting his intern. Who’s >paranoid? Hillary’s charges might have been well founded if jultin’ Bill >hadn’t been guilty of lying and cheating… like California’s liberal Democrat >establishment. Dude, all poiticans lie, democrat or republican. Even at their best they’re not going to tell you the full truth. It’s in their job description. There’s no monopoly on truth. regards, Håvard

Harvard, Don’t you have Fox news in your country? Fair and Balanced!! My Ass!! Sluggo

The reason why the Govt keep pushing shapers harder is because of the conspiracy that is popouts. Soon you guys are pretty much going to have to be working in a Bic or surftech factory cause they will be the only boards allowed to be made. And so it should be.

Sluggo, anything you’ve got, we’ve got(and then some…) thanks to modern technology. It’s strange watching american network news vs. norwegian news vs. al jazera(or whatever that arabic news thing is called). Visiting Egypt only weeks prior to a certain war, then going to Houston during the same war puts things in perspective too. It’s pretty clear that everybody have their own agenda, ‘just and fair’ or not. regards, Håvard

I can feel the conquistador of socialism warming up his humvee… us vs. them It must be another slow day in the news room.

PLEASE , to the faker slim, find yer own personage OR, feel free to ride the duster coat tails BUT, ya best study the english verbage a bit

The technology to conform to environmental laws is here, now. We need not worry, just change a bit. The government sanctions will only effect those who don’t change. Everyone else will make better boards with less pollutants.