Camping on Kauai

Anyone of you on Kauai recommend spots to camp for summer surf? Work-worn teacher from cold water lands wants to come and do some serious research and development, alone, i.e., not bring a crowd with me, on my three piece (fly for free) flex tail(s). Would love some help -

What kind of 3 piece flex tails do you speak of?

?? Tinklers ?? with interchangable tails for different surf conditons???

Glad you guys got so much info on Kauai for me! Ha! I will some day have postable pictures of the three piece board. Nut shell. Take a board, cut the nose and tail off @ 20" from the ends, seal up the “butts,” put stress spreading matrix (routed into) into the deck with tapped holes for mounting a torsion bar, use a flexible torsion bar to “put” the nose back on (close mount for no flex) and for the tail - a fin box on the deck on the “body” side - adjustable mounting to tinker with the flex. The other beauty is, it is all packable into a “checkable” suitcase - no airline fee, hopefully, no ding. So that is the jist of it. More as time goes on, and I get decent digital pics.

The camping on the suth side kind of sucks!! the campgrounds down there are loud, right by hte road and people partying all the time. If htat is your trip then the county parks are great. Otherwise you can poke around a little bit and “stealth camp” in some pretty mellow spots, but you have to look around.

Oh yeah I would like to see those boards when you are here. Mabey we can tie up sometime when yo uare here.

Thomas – Thanks so much for the info. Yeah – I am looking into the county park thing, but having been on Maui, where there is a county park on the South end of West Maui, and it was right next to the highway, and parties, etc. I am not really into that scene, so yeah I will keep on checking it out. If you want to send a “private” message to me w/ you phone #, I could call you when I get there and you could check out the “board(s).”