wanted to ask if anyone here can name this Velzy model. from what I understand it’s from roughly '64-66 era (looking pretty banged up of course). serial number isn’t really legible. I emailed the folks at surfboardsbyvelzy.com about it but never heard back.
Looks like the standard popout? I don’t think it was one of Velzy’s hand shaped boards… It’s not the pig shape he was credited for.
Can’t tell. need a better look at the logo. For a long time, Velzy wasn’t making his boards…lost the right to his name logo. (tax problems) If the logo is Pacific…something with a big V in the middle then it was an original Velzy…or if it says Velzy Jacobs, that’s a real good one too.
The way the foam browned out, it looks like a popout. You can tell if the stringer goes through the board…look on the bottom of the board? See a stringer? Velzy Popouts not worth much to those in the know, but someone starting out collecting it might be worth 150-250? Now that Velzy passed away, those popouts might increase in value a few $50-$150. But like I said, Velzy never had anything to do with them popouts, except his name was on the logo. eventually he got his name backs and started the round red, white, with black trim logo you know and love…Surfboards by Velzy.
Humm don’t know about that? I think Webber was doing his thing in the Velzy shop, not producing Webbers under the Velzy label. Webber wouldn’t have done popouts. Webber would have shaped.
I think it looks like the Flying Otis Pintail Model!