it’s probably a stupid question but i have a pint of ding all epoxy resin and no hardener and none of the shops around here sell epoxy hardener by itself. so, is poly hardener and epoxy hardener one and the same? i can find the other stuff, just not the epoxy stuff. btw/ i’m using it to put in a leash plug. could i just use 30 minute epoxy from the hardware store? and, if so, can you wet out cloth with it or is it too thick? btw pt 2 / i want this installation to last. thanks!
No judgements made on your questions.
The answer is very “no”. Perhaps with a capital “N”. Extra “no”, maybe.
Use 30 minute epoxy and throw out the epoxy resin with no hardner. After you bore you plug hole, score under the glass with the head of a screw to expose the under side of the glass about 1/16 inch. That will give it something to bond to other than foam.
thanks, greg, for weighing in before i went blithely and foolishly forward. 30 min. is it!
It might be possible to use the spare epoxy resin with another epoxy hardener. The place I get my resin from has a bunch of different systems and the resins and hardeners are supposed to be interchangeable with each other. There are some calculations to work out the ratios, and the properties of the cured resin could be anything, but it is supposed to work. I’d look into it just to save throwing the resin into landfill or wherever it would end up, not the nicest stuff to throw back into the environment.
Maybe one of the chemistry guys on here could give the details or correct me on mixing different flavours of epoxy resin and epoxy hardener?
You could be right. I just don’t think a pint of resin (about $30?) is worth the risk. spending hours building a board and then pouring a weak mixture of questionable epoxy is a false economy.
Yeah, I wouldn’t use it for laminating, but for personal ding repair it should be alright. I think you’d need a hardener that was UV-stable, but apart from that it would probably work. That’s my guess anyway.