Can you fix a WARPED board?

I have a bing from the 70’s that has a warp in the board. If you lay the board flat you can see it very clearly. It run diagonoly from nose to tail. Has any one ever heard of this or tried to fix this before?

I have a bing from the 70’s that has a warp in the board. If you lay the > board flat you can see it very clearly. It run diagonoly from nose to > tail. Has any one ever heard of this or tried to fix this before? sounds like it is twisted if it twisted alot,there’s not a whole lot you can do about it. You can heat up the board to about 120 degrees(like in you car on a hot summers day,NOT IN YOUR OVEN!!!). Before it cools rapidly, put it on a somewhat level surface ,and weight the high sides with as much weight as it take to flatten it back out(sand bags).THIS IS A TRICKY TRICK,BUT EASY TO DO ONCE YOU GET THE HANG OF IT. Even if you are sucessful at straighting the board it will most likely RE-twist later on down the road.Herb.

duckdive… I have a board with the same problem (twisted.) I don’t remember if I read about it on this site but you can fashion two sets of “board clamps” out of 2X4 lumber and through bolts that will grip the board at the nose and tail allowing weights on opposite sides to counteract the twist. It may take a long time (and heat as Herb mentioned) but you may have good luck and find yourself with an untwisted board… good luck!

duckdive… I have a board with the same problem (twisted.) I don’t > remember if I read about it on this site but you can fashion two sets of > “board clamps” out of 2X4 lumber and through bolts that will > grip the board at the nose and tail allowing weights on opposite sides to > counteract the twist. It may take a long time (and heat as Herb mentioned) > but you may have good luck and find yourself with an untwisted board… > good luck! This from the Harbour site: The twisted board can be fixed with offset weights clamped outside the rail on the two high ends of the surfboard. I made a set of clamps from a pair of one by one pieces of wood about 24" long with 4" screws and wing nuts at each end. On a warm day, put the board inside of a car. Ad the weights to the appropriate ends and clamp with the screws. Close the car and wait till it gets about 160° inside. Take the board out with clamps and weights still in place. Put it on a set of level saw horses and lower the temperature with cool water. Check the twist. You may have to repeat this process or, if luck is with you, that is it.

DUCKDIVE…as with herb and rastro, I (too) have joined the “unwarped” tour using the “car as hothouse” method. Sunny day…sandbags in strategic areas…and you be good. Just keep an eye on things, though…you can just as easily warp in the opposite direction or overdo it. I’ve used flat straps with sandbag/weights tied to the ends - with more weight on the “up” side of the warp (the board straddled across front and back seats), and this has worked. The car is what warped the board in the first place (What a jackass!). Got distracted for work…BAM!..just as feared. The first cardinal rule of boardstorology…NEVER leave your stick in da car for extended periods of time…especially in sunny climes!