Carbon Stripper


Stoneburner is right, it’s a platform for expiramenting with paddle in stand up “foil”.

It grew out of my bodyboard version that I spend the most time on.

I needed something that I could bolt a single strut to as far forward as possible

  and still support my full weight at the back with minimal flex.

I definately don’t want to hijack this thread,I really posted here to be funny…

but if you’re interested in how this project has progressed, I have been posting on this thread,

(The stand up board is on around #10)

Stoneburner, Surffoils, and Fins ( Mr Chipper) have all been very supportive of my efforts there…(I hope the link works)

  They recomended this forum and I have become a habitual lurker here on Sways ever since…

I have come to appreciate the thoughtful advice that people like yourself give folks here,

You definately know your stuff and I learn things here all of the time…Thanks



Sweet, thanks Aqua & Nocean. All of a sudden seems a whole lot more simple.

Question, if I’m intending on doing uv glass, should I paste a bit of catalysed resin down along the base stringer, smooth it out and carry on glassin as normal with the UV resin? Shouldn’t be a problem?

Thanks again crew.