categories for the board archive?

Hey all, I’m thinking I may need to change or add catogories in the board archive. Some how it doesn’t seem complete. Anybody care to suggest an alternative way to organize it? Any other suggestions for improvement? Muchas gracias, S

Mike: Boards>Modern>then by ranges of lengths for each(to 6’0", 6’1"- 7’2" etc.) Boards>Classics>by ranges of length TS>>> Hey all,>>> I’m thinking I may need to change or add catogories in the board archive. > Some how it doesn’t seem complete. Anybody care to suggest an alternative > way to organize it? Any other suggestions for improvement?>>> Muchas gracias, S

I agree. When you ask people to classify boards as “short board” “long board” “hybrid” “fish” etc., you’re inherently depending on their preconcieved notions of what constitutes each of those shapes. The definition of a “fish” alone is a great example. One man’s fish is another man’s “pig” “football” “short board” “hybrid” etc. That’s a long way of saying that I agree with Tom.

i agree with tom and pedro. go by length. el fin

I like it the way it is…Herb.

How about by shaper? Starting with their first and then progressing. Could be interesting to see the Swaylockians evolve.