dude epoxy has 50% flex strength and 50-100% impact resistance as if epoxy wasn’t strong enough for boards.
what if they could make pu / pe stronger than today epoxy / EPS. You’d have all cool resin tints and colors and clark could make a comeback. Yay! But it would be nice, because many like pu / pe feel.
The benefits for this are limitless . . .
they even made a jet engine the size of a pencil tip out of nano parts, just spray some fuel and it goes . . lol
cancer patients touch a blob of nanites designed to nuke abnormal cancer cells, it goes through the skin and into the body does a number on the cancer and are programmed to shut down and be expelled as micro waste from the body.
Spiderman 3 venom suit? or lets take it to surfing. . . a nano equipped wetsuit more like skin suit. Bam its paper thick, fits to your skin flexible as you are . . . redefines its always summer inside.
Want to surf antarctica, go for it bro!
sunscreen? slap on the nano machines and it covers your skin, matches color and also forms shades for the sun, ear protection for cold water guys and gals.
Or how bout if you’re into big wave riding, you get dunked under water for a 32 wave hold down, a nano breathing bubble (like a H20 spider) forms and bam you can breath suka
Or a flexi leash w/ nano control. . . with wrist activated button to remove it
There’s a dark side to this . . . imagine tiny assassin robots to short circuit or do major number on you, coded specifically to you DNA, invisible . . .
Or some guy makes nano molecular cutter device and with a venom powersuit goes ninja then does a serial number axes a bunch of people before the hero of the movie defeats the opponent in a matrix like fight with molecular separator nano einhander . . .
Terrorists roll out with nano particles that when mixed with everyday materials into explosives. They fill up at the local hydrogen fusion station in the morning, go to Micky D’s 4 lunch, hit up the bank for some greenbacks, and stop at a local hardware store. At each stop new components received and checked. Hydro water, some fries grease, chems from the hardware store . . . That afternoon the worlds tallest building, the Parker MOrris building is racked by explosions and topples. But since it was saturday, losses are minimal. yet life is lost and many others are thrown into chaos . . .
But . . . everything comes a balance, or there’s a catch.
nano is toxic because we’re realizing it is!! Its new!!
As Roy Stewart and Jack Sparrow says, QED! Its non biodegradable and main components heavy metals!
As to ascertain HOW toxic, there isn’t much studying done, and since this is new the goverments going to take some time to come up with regulations .
In the meantime the govts are figuring it out . . . it also opens the door for abuse by non ethical companies.
Whats crazy we’re pushing out this new material, but no studies (according to the article ) have been done on environmental impacts. And few on living tissue interaction. And no long term studies on the effects of nano particles on the living.
As a surfer I know how important such studies are. So Cal, rain storm, hello? Now you have worry about something that can pass through your skin and toxic like an endlessly nagging lady or nuclear fallout?
This nano thing can be handled wrong, and the book Silent Spring comes to mind . . .
Its hard enough to keep things clean with visible trash, but now trash is invisible?
maybe get goggles with Nano vision?? Or nano particles that only bind with other nano particles …
Still though as humans develop something we can also develop a counter. As we develop nano tech, we figure out how properly implement it, how to heal the body if nano goes nuclear on the inside . . .
How mankind utilizes both the new set of tools and dangers