Cedar chambered 8'x20"x3"

Just finished up. Test it out this weekend.

Let’s see if I can post these pics right this time?

Looks nice!

give us some large close ups

Yeah, I know. I have them in my digital but I’m having trouble uploading them to my computer.

Thanks, Brother Monty

Use Photo Bucket for your pictures unless you use Photoshop?

What is the weight? You made the effort to chamber it so it would be nice to know the weight?

Thanks for sharing!

22 lbs. (9.97kg)

Not bad at all. That must of been a lot of work?

I cheated and used an overarm router to hog out the wood. Then I lost all the time I saved in the glassing. Made lots of mistakes. I could fix some and some not. It’s ok though.

A potter friend was teaching me to throw pots once and he said " There are no precious pots… If one doesn’t turn out right… make another." I generaly feel that way about all my work. I think you will progress more and enjoy it more than if you’re making love to a piece of wood or foam for six months.

My camera working again. Works much better than my telephone.

