Central fin box Expansion Pins

To All, I’ve been able to find expansion pins the right size but not stainless on the net. Regular steel ones are dirt cheap and I have a hundred of them but I really don’t want to use them for obvious reasons. I’ve been unable to find a source for the stainless steel variety. I know I can take a brass or stainless screw and cut it off but the expansion pins are so easy to tap in and they work grand. Does anyone know a place I can get some? Better Surfing, Rich

Hey Rich - I did a search for “stainless roll pins” and came up with a marine supply place in Canada… http://www.thechandleryonline.com/dept.asp?dept_id=205

To All,>>> I’ve been able to find expansion pins the right size but not stainless on > the net.>>> Regular steel ones are dirt cheap and I have a hundred of them but I > really don’t want to use them for obvious reasons. I’ve been unable to > find a source for the stainless steel variety.>>> I know I can take a brass or stainless screw and cut it off but the > expansion pins are so easy to tap in and they work grand.>>> Does anyone know a place I can get some?>>> Better Surfing, Rich …try a fastner warehouse,in your area ,most likely in San Jose,or S.F.Herb

Hey Rich - I did a search for “stainless roll pins” and came up > with a marine supply place in Canada… Thanx John, No doubt these are the ones on the website you’ve included but the prices are off the map unless I’ve read things wrong. Guess I’ll have to keep looking. Better Surfing, Rich

Hi Herb, I think I’ll try Port Supply. That may just be the ticket! Thanx for the response. I’ll let you know if I have any success. Better Surfing, Rich

Sorry this question if this question is getting off the topic… How and when do you install the expansion pin in the fin? Do you drill a hole after the fin has been cured and foiled? Do you use any epoxy or resin to keep it in place?

Sorry this question if this question is getting off the topic…>>> How and when do you install the expansion pin in the fin? Do you drill a > hole after the fin has been cured and foiled? Do you use any epoxy or > resin to keep it in place? Hi ?, A fair and honest question to be sure! The beauty of roll pin installation for me at least it’s a two step process. After the fin is fitted to the box just drill the hole and tap the pin in ever so carefully. I helps to haug the hole out a little so pin goes in a little more easily. The tension created by the compression of the open sleeve keeps it in place. My fins are a combination of several materials, foam is a principle part but the fin bases are solid resin fiber construction as the base is where all the major stress on the fin is. Better Surfing, Rich

To All,>>> I’ve been able to find expansion pins the right size but not stainless on > the net.>>> Regular steel ones are dirt cheap and I have a hundred of them but I > really don’t want to use them for obvious reasons. I’ve been unable to > find a source for the stainless steel variety.>>> I know I can take a brass or stainless screw and cut it off but the > expansion pins are so easy to tap in and they work grand.>>> Does anyone know a place I can get some?>>> Better Surfing, Rich I get mine from Bahne in Encinitas, just call and order,15 or 20 cents a piece. Bahne ph# (619) 753-0255 fax# (619) 753-1008

I get mine from Bahne in Encinitas, just call and order,15 or 20 cents a > piece. Bahne ph# (619) 753-0255 fax# (619) 753-1008 Thanx Kokua, That’s more like it! I’ve got a call in to another source. If it’s cheaper I’ll let you know. Making an ole-school glass-on with a 10oz Volan center for a buddy today, trying to get close to the original. It’s for a 60’s vitage ONeils 10’6"x 22" with 50/50 knife rails, the thing must weigh around 40 or 45 pounds. Goin’ for the evening tide. Good Surfin’, Rich

Hey Rich - I did a search for “stainless roll pins” and came up > with a marine supply place in Canada… i got tired of trying to find them and started making my own out of fin rope and UV cure resin. just tape a few 12" strands together at one end with masking tape, saturate the strands in a cup with sun cure(any UV resin), smooth out the rope by pulling it through your fingers, then tape it up outside in the sun where it can hang free(off a tree branch,etc). sand it so it’s fairly round, and cut off the length you need. 12" does a lot of fins. they’re super strong, are easily resined in place, and never rust. jim dunlop .

i got tired of trying to find them and started making my own out of fin > rope and UV cure resin. just tape a few 12" strands together at one > end with masking tape, saturate the strands in a cup with sun cure(any UV > resin), smooth out the rope by pulling it through your fingers, then tape > it up outside in the sun where it can hang free(off a tree branch,etc). > sand it so it’s fairly round, and cut off the length you need. 12" > does a lot of fins. they’re super strong, are easily resined in place, and > never rust. jim dunlop . Hi Jim, Very innovative of you, my friend! I think I’ll try making some out of carbon fibers with epoxy. That oughta be a step in the right direction or are you already doing it? I’ll try and figue an way to make it perfectly round the first time. Oh, You got me figuring now! How about a piece of 3/16" I.D. polyethelene tubing spit down the middle? Nothin’ sticks to that stuff! Good Surfin’, Rich

Hi Jim,>>> Very innovative of you, my friend! I think I’ll try making some out of > carbon fibers with epoxy. That oughta be a step in the right direction or > are you already doing it? I’ll try and figue an way to make it perfectly > round the first time. Oh, You got me figuring now! How about a piece of > 3/16" I.D. polyethelene tubing spit down the middle? Nothin’ sticks > to that stuff!>>> Good Surfin’, Rich rich- i hadn’t tried the carbon/epoxy route, sounds like a good idea as does the tubing for trueness. i did the UV/fin rope thing because it was simple and i was in a hurry. most of my fin projects are spur of the moment and fill in down time between laminations. cheers. jim dunlop