check out my new shortboard!!!!!!!!!

like really really short! i got bored today while i was waiting for my hotcoat to dry so i downloaded boardcad, messed about a bit then outputted to our cnc router…

many many light bulbs going off today!!!

its only about 400mm long


That is quite the CNC router… how do you have access to such a tool? I might be interested in getting some simple tooling made in the not-so-distant future…

the joys of being a technician at university!

we have a small laser cutter coming in a few weeks then hopefully a 3d printer in the summer!



Yeah dog, giz a go! The cnc not the board, not sure it would even float my slight frame. That really is a proper bit of kit, you jammy bstd.


I’ve got a laser cutter. I have made all my tail templates and fin placement rulers etc on it. Handy bit of kit.

Very neat. Why not try some fins?

i have SO many plans for these things its unreal!

i just ordered a copy of solidworks yesterday and ive only just got illustrator on the laptop so im nearly ready to rock.

if any one has any board shapes, hws frames, fin marking jigs etc please feel free to send them through!

fins are definatly on my list, ive already worked out the way to machine them on both sides before snapping them out of the material, just need to buy a cutter that will cut fibreglass.


That’s a tidy looking miniature. Any plans to scale it up?

Glass it and sell it to one of those executive types… the ones that buy those miniture cars to put on their desks.