Check this out (reading required)

A good article! I have WAY more respect for the person that can rip on both long and shortboards. And a strange thing about those people, they always seem to be some of the nicest folks in the water. Personally, my non-longboarding is limited to a 6’2" fish and a yet-to-be-ridden 7’6" semi gun type board. Both boards were hacked out of busted longboards and I am dying to ride my creations. Only problem is that I just don’t get out often enough to want to push the learning curve. There-in lies the ultimate roadblock to becoming a better surfer. TIME. Most folks don’t have enough of it to acquire skill on a multitude of boards. Oh well, just rip on what you feel most comfortable on and maybe some-day you’ll be at a place in your life that will let you have the time necessary to become a complete surfer.

A good article!>>> I have WAY more respect for the person that can rip on both long and > shortboards. And a strange thing about those people, they always seem to > be some of the nicest folks in the water.>>> Personally, my non-longboarding is limited to a 6’2" fish and a > yet-to-be-ridden 7’6" semi gun type board. Both boards were hacked > out of busted longboards and I am dying to ride my creations. Only problem > is that I just don’t get out often enough to want to push the learning > curve. There-in lies the ultimate roadblock to becoming a better surfer. > TIME. Most folks don’t have enough of it to acquire skill on a multitude > of boards. Oh well, just rip on what you feel most comfortable on and > maybe some-day you’ll be at a place in your life that will let you have > the time necessary to become a complete surfer. I’m going to go on a rant here! The one point I fail to see in all the boasting by those who claim to know what’s “right” for the surfing world ,"Sceptic, you reading this? is the bottom line is "are you having FUUUNNN? If you are, who gives a sh—t what others think. If you let others influence you, fine, as long as your having fun. Too many young guys and a few old guys fall into what I call the “me to” mode which is bowing to social pressure to emulate thatever is deemed “cool” by their peers or the media without coming up with any originality themselves. Fine to a point. But when this becomes their sole guiding force they slam everyone else that’s not doing what their doing,.i.e, slamming boogies, slamming longboarder,etc. I guess this occurs because they need validate what they believe doing is “cool” to themselves. It’s an old story and pure BS. I watched some “students” taking a surfing lesson out at PP the other day and they were having a blast on their softtops. Totally enjoying their new experience despite the “stink eye” from some of the “real” surfer in the lineup. Whose having more fun? One of the things I enjoy about being a “geezer” surfer is that I’ve blown off all this sort of crap and just surf on whatever(shortboard,long,knee, boogie, body, Hell! I even kayak when the surf conditions are too blown out for board surfing. I couldn’t care less about what others think. I show respect and get respect out in the water and I always have FUN.

Quite right Gary! I say ride what you like, be it bookie, mat, thruster, hybrid, longboard or kayak. Ride it in conditions you can handle and develop a style that fits only you.

Quite right Gary! I say ride what you like, be it bookie, mat, thruster, > hybrid, longboard or kayak. Ride it in conditions you can handle and > develop a style that fits only you. Hey y’all read this. I think that this states the meaning of stoke pretty well. Sorry if the link does not work. http://

one thing i notice with surfers who only stick to shortboarder or longboard and never cross over to the other is that they are a hell of a lot more aggressive in the water, because they dont have respect for the other person who is riding the different equipment.

“I couldn’t care less about what others think… I always have FUN.” To the one SCGary, Hello to you! That is the whole truth, and it is I myself (Bonta) who also has the funs! Of late, due to an overflow of the bookies, I now have recovered the joys of surfing the one 18 of feet canoe with paddling oar across the ocean waves!! Even swarming, pesty infestations of the one kookish surfing schools scatter with rapidity to avoid my (Bonta) one path as I declare loudly upon foaming billows, proudly standing as I dominate my (Bonta) waves to the beachy sands. It is on that day that I shall respectfully inquire, “Shall you go right, or is it the way of the left? No?? MY WAVE, KOOKISH SURFING SCHOOL DISCIPLES!!!” For sure, America surf beach culture is the awesomest!! GO MAN!!! Bonta

Tracks is an australian magazine that is marketed towards a group of surfers who are becoming a dying breed these days. The hardcore shortboarder, who will surf a modern shortboard no matter what. They have no interest in funboards or longboards whatsoever, and nothing you or I say to them will change their mind. And that is their choice. Those who enjoy riding a variety of equipment sizes and shapes will know that it is their loss. As with anyone who enjoys riding a longboard, i really live for those days when there is no swell (apparently!!). Some of the best waves ive ever caught have been tiny knee high point waves, putting the board into trim and flying along effortlessly, just standing there while the board glides through section after section. I also love pulling into 6 foot tubes on a modern shorty just as much. Riding a board which would not have even paddled into a fat knee high point wave. Live and let live. Encouraging the staff at TRACKS and similar magazines to be more open minded towards other forms of surfcraft will encourage its impressionable readership to do the same. This is good in some ways, no bad attitudes towards each other ect. But you can kiss those small uncrowded days that we enjoy so much goodbye. Those surfers who were always cursing and complaining about all the longboaders taking too many waves, will be crowding out the tiny little 1 foot days, rather than just a few of those in the know. chow…