Where is this guy now ? little change of pace here!
Where is this guy now ? little change of pace here! Cheer Chritchlow, a definite survivor of all the above, an acountant in Encinitas, California.
Cheer Chritchlow, a definite survivor of all the above, an acountant in > Encinitas, California. Yeah!!! a suck-cess story finally! After reading the Longboard Mag. Mitch Abshire story, (you know by publishing his failures, their setting him up for full sponsorship opportunities, free boards, a ‘free ride’ for another washed-up bad boy! A new icon figure to the Japanese market!, since scandalise American losers are highly idolized). When does a real winner really win? That’s the real question here. Education/career goals/physical fitness/technical skill spell b-o-r-i-n-g to the up and coming grom. Tattoos/slammed S-10 chevy’s/piercings/and Bluetorch extreme stuff is way more exciting to a young mind…GOOD LUCK FATHERS!!!
Yeah!!! a suck-cess story finally! After reading the Longboard Mag. Mitch > Abshire story, (you know by publishing his failures, their setting him up > for full sponsorship opportunities, free boards, a ‘free ride’ for another > washed-up bad boy! A new icon figure to the Japanese market!, since > scandalise American losers are highly idolized). When does a real winner > really win? That’s the real question here. Education/career goals/physical > fitness/technical skill spell b-o-r-i-n-g to the up and coming grom. > Tattoos/slammed S-10 chevy’s/piercings/and Bluetorch extreme stuff is way > more exciting to a young mind…GOOD LUCK FATHERS!!! Parents can only try so hard, You give us the way and then we make our own choices, good or bad. Now its my turn with the nearly out of control teen girls, my 12 year got busted for weed last week at school with her 12 year old Pam Anderson look alike friend. 4 of my friends from central Florida have lost their kids to some kind of drug related mishap. One a cops daughter,2 other from very Christian house holds and the others father is a surf mag publisher.