chick shapers...

are there any?

are there any? If there arent any (and Ive always wondered why), it`s about time!

If there arent any (and Ive always wondered why), it`s about time! The was a fine young woman originally from New Jersey who was shaping for her galpals in Florida. She wasn’t a woman afaid of dust and dirt. She came to apprentice with me. I really fell for her, a shaping girl friend? who liked to go to Costa Rica. Her day job was bartending on Johns Island near Vero Beach. One afternoon on the way to work, an old man, drunker than shit, made a left turn infront of her to the Sebastian Beach Inn. He was going 65 MPH, so was she. Dead instantly, he lived. Erica Eggert rest in peace.

are there any? Once, while surfing the web, I saw a website of a young gal who shaped. She had really cool chicky art on her boards–like sunflowers and erally colorful stuff. Never ran into the site again. I think her name is Shannon. Any chicks in San Diego wanna learn?

Shannon Surfboards P.O. Box 60549, San Diego, California 92166-8549 USA. Tel. 1-619-221-8032. Surfboards designed and shaped by Shannon Payne-McIntyre I don’t know how old this info is, there was once a URL to an active web site but it is no more. Tom.>>> are there any?

are there any? I just couldn’t resist. Jenny Craig! Don’t know her success rate though.

That one hurt, Jenny has her headquarters here in San Diego. I would test my vertibrea tandeming with Jenny, lets put it that way.

That one hurt, Jenny has her headquarters here in San Diego. I would test > my vertibrea tandeming with Jenny, lets put it that way. Damn, I can’t type worth a… I meant I wouldn’t test my back disks tandeming with Jenny.

Damn, I can’t type worth a… I meant I wouldn’t test my back disks > tandeming with Jenny. I didn’t know she surfed, man…, that chick’s into everything. Aloha

There are many, they just do not have web sites.>>> are there any?

There are many, they just do not have web sites. or internet access…I’d like to hear their voice.

or internet access…I’d like to hear their voice. Hi…I joined this discussion forum to begin doing exactly what the subject of this is…so I need all the info and interesting facts and if there are any pros out in Michigan…that would be great to do some apprenticing. KK

Welcome forum KK! I think there may be a reader of two that are from the Great Lakes area. Feel free to post any questions you have – this is a totally all levels inclusive forum. Mike

or internet access…I’d like to hear their voice. I just found one in La Jolla (So Cal) It doesn’t give much info about her but here it is:

I just found one in La Jolla (So Cal) It doesn’t give much info about her > but here it is:>>> Upon further studies (I called) The shop is owned by a gentlemen named Tea. Good prices though.