chosing air compressors...

yeah im in need of a compressor. what are soem of u fellas using at the moment and what are it’s specs/ features.

how many gallon, how many psi, what is a good one for under 300$




I have a 5hp rotary vane I can sell you. made by Comp Air.$1,800. It is much quiter than a piston style compressors, and you don’t even have to use a tank if you don’t want, it can run 24 hours a day. I forget how much CFM but it should be plenty for most projects.

sorry, dont have 1,800$ sitting around. sounds nice though.




I guess, I looks like it vanished into thin air??? Anyhow, what I was trying to say before cyberspace cut me off was that the requirements for a compressor is 5 hp @ 20 gallons. Why? well, its the minimum requirements that I have found to make a good quality cup gun operate. Yeah I know lot’s of guys use those little badger sprayers, but If you want to lay down a nice wide perfectly atomized finish that’s not going to run out of air or spit & spatter on your board, you need 5hp @ 20. Also you can use it too run air tools, pump tires, nail guns and best of all spray other fine finishes on cars, boats, wood work etc. HVLP’s work good too, but they are limited in what you can do with them, and there expensive. I use all three from time to time, but the best is the fine spray cup gun with the 5hp @ 20 gallon compressor.



i appreciate it. right now im borrowing a friends 30 gallon compressor which i ahvent quite got the hang of. i need to really improve on my painting. my guns always tend to spit and blotch really easy, and i find ways to blend it in or make it look cool.

what gun would u recommend for larger area painting. like painting a full board.

at the moment i have a few guns. 2 little cheap medal cup guns which are your typical touchup guns. a larger syphon feed gun, which is ur regular looking spray gun. And a gravity feed hvlp gun which i bought because it was on sale. last week i tried using the hvlp gravity feed gunf ro the first time and for soem reason it was spitting everywhere so i decided to use to regular gun instead. Is it something im doing wrong? or what. some reason no matter how much i try, painting a solid color along a whole side is like pulling teeth.





I use a little oiless Porter Cable 5 gallon pancake…Not quite enough for production work but for hobby OK.

Spitting can be caused by lumps in the paint…strain it!

Leaky material needle seal (behind trigger) make sure it is tight, if it sucks air it affects the siphon.

Plugged vent can cause problems also.

Always disassemble gun after cleaning and DRY the nozzle. It is carbon steel and will rust.

A 2HP/11gallon compressor is more than enough for average jobs. Set regulator @ 50#/tank and you should get 40 to 45#s at the gun.

Good Luck!
