In reference to the current thread discussing the contents of Mr. Clark’s long letter, I have questions for those that are the shapers and surfboard manufacturers in the USA. I feel the swing in the industry to cheaper imports (blanks & boards alike) is not going to be influenced by the consumers at all. Let’s leave WalMart out of this for a minute. Changes are going to come from the big decision makers within our own country. I’m not talking about backyard shapers or small local outfits. I want to know what the biggest board companies our country has to offer are going to do about where they will go to buy their blanks in the future. With such quality blanks coming out of Australia these days I think manufacturers are faced with a very real business decision to make. It is impossible to turn a blind eye to material costs. So my question is to you, the big guns of America, what would you do if a an Australian supplier and a Clark foam supplier opened up down the street from you? You know whose will be cheaper and you know the quality is comparable. What is the most realistic decision you would make?
In reference to the current thread discussing the contents of Mr. Clark’s > long letter, I have questions for those that are the shapers and surfboard > manufacturers in the USA. I feel the swing in the industry to cheaper > imports (blanks & boards alike) is not going to be influenced by the > consumers at all. Let’s leave WalMart out of this for a minute. Changes > are going to come from the big decision makers within our own country. I’m > not talking about backyard shapers or small local outfits. I want to know > what the biggest board companies our country has to offer are going to do > about where they will go to buy their blanks in the future. With such > quality blanks coming out of Australia these days I think manufacturers > are faced with a very real business decision to make. It is impossible to > turn a blind eye to material costs. So my question is to you, the big guns > of America, what would you do if a an Australian supplier and a Clark foam > supplier opened up down the street from you? You know whose will be > cheaper and you know the quality is comparable. What is the most realistic > decision you would make? Only a fool would ignore the obvious: the U.S. dollar is worth almost twice our currency = almost twice the purchasing power. I say support the good blokes-BUY AUSTRALIAN!!!
Only a fool would ignore the obvious: the U.S. dollar is worth almost > twice our currency = almost twice the purchasing power. I say support the > good blokes-BUY AUSTRALIAN!!! Bring ‘em on, I figured Clark was a dick ever since I found out the 9’9" blank is only 9’6"! Making us beg for a stinkin’ christmas t-shirt. I’m Good for a few dozen a year!!! I’ve always liked aussie’s since Ian Cairns was the only pro pounding down some brews with me back in '85 at a pro contest party!
Bring ‘em on, I figured Clark was a dick ever since I found out the > 9’9" blank is only 9’6"! Making us beg for a stinkin’ christmas > t-shirt. I’m Good for a few dozen a year!!! I’ve always liked aussie’s > since Ian Cairns was the only pro pounding down some brews with me back in > '85 at a pro contest party! So that’s what became of the Bronzed Aussies.
So my question is to you, the big guns > of America, what would you do if a an Australian supplier and a Clark foam > supplier opened up down the street from you? You know whose will be > cheaper and you know the quality is comparable. What is the most realistic > decision you would make? The blood’s in the water. I forecast a tsunami wave of competition for Clark coming in the very near future. Tell you what, I’d welcome it if it weren’t for some of the most talented shapers in America depending on Clark blanks. I’d like to know where all the Hercules in the industry are?
Bring ‘em on, I figured Clark was a dick ever since I found out the > 9’9" blank is only 9’6"! Making us beg for a stinkin’ christmas > t-shirt. I’m Good for a few dozen a year!!! I’ve always liked aussie’s > since Ian Cairns was the only pro pounding down some brews with me back in > '85 at a pro contest party! Gordon Clark and Clark Foam have offered quality and service to the surfboard industry for decades. Their product line includes a vast selection of molds (for every conceivable surfboard design), unlimited custom rockers in every mold, large numbers of stringer options, and several foam densities. Their service is consistent, product quality is extremely consistent, the blanks tool (shape) with ease, and interface very well with the any glassing process. The product is available to anyone, either directly from Clark Foam or one of their distributors (Mitchs, Bashans, Fiberglas Hawaii, etc.) What does Clark Foam ask in return ? Pay for the product. Should this make the company an object of any shaper or board builder’s anger ? A great thing about an open market is that quality companies and products rise to the top and endure cycle after cycle of business and manufacturing trends.
Gordon Clark and Clark Foam have offered quality and service to the > surfboard industry for decades. Their product line includes a vast > selection of molds (for every conceivable surfboard design), unlimited > custom rockers in every mold, large numbers of stringer options, and > several foam densities. Their service is consistent, product quality is > extremely consistent, the blanks tool (shape) with ease, and interface > very well with the any glassing process. The product is available to > anyone, either directly from Clark Foam or one of their distributors > (Mitchs, Bashans, Fiberglas Hawaii, etc.)>>> What does Clark Foam ask in return ? Pay for the product.>>> Should this make the company an object of any shaper or board builder’s > anger ?>>> A great thing about an open market is that quality companies and products > rise to the top and endure cycle after cycle of business and manufacturing > trends. Well said, Vince. Thats how things are. Some take their chances, pay their dues and do a great job. Others sit on their butts & criticize. What sort of effort and commitment do you think went into that business? I’ll tell you a true story, although none of the guys involved will thank me for doing so. I had a talk with a long time hero of mine, Phil Edwards. He told me that while he went surfing for the sheer love of it, Grubby Clark and Hobie Alter would often leave perfect waves at Rincon, Trestles, wherever they were, because they had to get back to their business. They paid their dues, took that part of their life seriously, and reaped the rewards. It takes typical idiots like the previous and subsequent correspondents to talk the rubbish they do. In my experience these guys, all of them, will have far more influential reminders for us all, than the toe-rags that write to forums like this to criticise. What self-centred prats they are!