Clean Beach????

I live in SoCal and the post from Herb saying he was in I.B. this weekend makes me ask what the water is like down there…and how the surf is. I keep hearing that I.B. is really dirty because of T.J. Recently we have been in the papers with I think 3 beaches that failed in a cleanliness rating and Touraline was one of them. Do the beaches get cleaner as you go north??? What about the cliffs? (Sunset) Goofy Foot

I live in SoCal and the post from Herb saying he was in I.B. this weekend > makes me ask what the water is like down there…and how the surf is. I > keep hearing that I.B. is really dirty because of T.J. Recently we have > been in the papers with I think 3 beaches that failed in a cleanliness > rating and Touraline was one of them. Do the beaches get cleaner as you go > north??? What about the cliffs? (Sunset)>>> Goofy Foot Not necessarily. Cardiff area gets poluted during rain as run-off brings down garbage into the ocean. Where ever there are sewer pipes going into the ocean can be a place of polution. IB is a case of TJ not doing their part to keep the ocean clean. I think the cliffs can get poluted cause they have sewer outlets, I belive–not sure. Recently the County of San Diego is getting fined from the State because they have not been keeping eye on developers and keeping up standards on storm drainage. Money talks…