can’t really get melted wax out of boardbags or can you, anybody ever succeed ? Would drycleaning fluids do it?
can’t really get melted wax out of boardbags or can you, anybody ever > succeed ? Would drycleaning fluids do it? Scrape the big stuff off, then go to a laundromat (not one you normally use) wash on hot setting with good detergant & spot stain remover. Bag will be better, but might shrink a size or two!
My responce is the same as Ray’s, use a laundermat not close to your home, it’s what I did when I had to roof in N.J. in the winter and had clothes covered in tar. You don’t ever want to go back to there again.
My responce is the same as Ray’s, use a laundermat not close to your home, > it’s what I did when I had to roof in N.J. in the winter and had clothes > covered in tar. You don’t ever want to go back to there again. Don’t put the bag in the drier. Take it home wet and put your board back in it, pull it on tight, let it dry. This will keep the bag the right size. I do this all the time.
Don’t put the bag in the drier. Take it home wet and put your board back > in it, pull it on tight, let it dry. This will keep the bag the right > size. I do this all the time. Thanks guys, three of us overheated our boards through the window of the car and waxed our cotton boardbags to the decks of our boards, now they look like sh#t! oh well, still beats dropping your board in the shower stall on the concrete! Any other solvents or cleaners to pre-soak with? Thanks again.
To prevent this I went to a funiture/curtain shop and bought some of that strechty cotton sleeve material, you can buy it in all the lenghts you want and makes a perfect (very cheap) boardsock. Wash it dry it, trow it away after a year or two, but, no more wax on the inside of your boardbag. Peter Rijk.