Cloth inlay with please???

Quick question for all of the epoxy users. I am glassing a 5’11" old school fish with cloth inlay on the deck. I am using EPS and have shaped and glassed a few EPS boards as well. first time using fabric though!!! i bought my fabric 100% cotton did test patch and all…question is… i am tinting the bottom and cutlap ( doing so tonight) when i glass the deck which is going to be 3 layers, should lay all three layers with epoxy, cloth-glass,glass. or could i glass…epoxy, fabric with polyester, epoxy. the reason is i am going to tint the deck as well and slight off color the bottom tieing the colors of the fabric in … i think it would easier to tint glass(epoxy) poly the fabric(cutlap) then final glass with epoxy…so and and so forth. If the strength is going to push it then epoxy it will be just …some pointers to add in my log for a first time fabric inlay.

thanks everyone…for all your help

surfs up in jersey

Do your bottom lay-up with your color and trim that. Then do the cloth inlay and trim that inside the lap line left from your bottom lay up. Then after the trim, do your deck layup with your layers of fiberglass. Don’t try doing the cloth and the fiberglass deck all at once. You need to trim everything nice so where the two colors meet can be covered with a pin line.

ok…the layers of glass wont mute the colors pattern… i am using your resin and additive F??