Cash On Delivery? Just ordered some resin from Greg Loerh and he said it was coming COD.
Will the delivery company actually take cash, or is it a check, or a money order that is preferred? Just never ordered anything COD.
Cash On Delivery? Just ordered some resin from Greg Loerh and he said it was coming COD.
Will the delivery company actually take cash, or is it a check, or a money order that is preferred? Just never ordered anything COD.
check is best, you then have record of payment, just paid COD check for a board form Tudor through Chanin, no problems
Yup, a check is best…keeps it simple and you have a record. Your going to love the resin…after poly crap it is a dream…peace and waves…
Although I’ve handed the delivery guy cash, I definiely feel better when I pay with a check. The problem I have with COD is the inherent, seemingly arbitrary fee that gets tacked on for the convenience of being able to “check the goods” before throwing dowm the cash. I got some merchandise the other day for about $50 and the fee was an extra $9, then there was shipping $6 and I think handling too. Wished I could charge THEM for the privilage of delivering MY stuff!!! ha ha…
Greg is straight up, your goods will arrive. I just finished a 9’4" for a rider to compete in the collegiate championships at Salt Creek, double 4 oz, bottom, double 4 deck with a 4 half way from the tail, 12 pounds! Thanks Greg