Color versions of "Swaylocks Inspired"

I remember reading a while back that there were color versions of the contest entries. I also remember seeing them on a couple of boards with color. However, when I was searching all I found were the black and whites from the contest.

Can someone point me where to get them or email/post them here?

“the swaylocks laminate contest” , I believe the thread was called ?

Yeah, and I believe I read through every thread related and the best I found was this which is all in black and white.

Talking about this one, perhaps?;postatt_id=9181;


That’s a new one to me actually. I’m pretty sure I saw Hicksy’s logo in color on one of his boards before.

I also think I’ve seen John Mellor’s in color on a board before too.

Am I wrong? Were they all black and white?

hicksy’s one is definately in colour , yes ! [I think ‘oneula’ puts it on his boards , too …onya mate !]

But…WHERE is 'Aquafiend’s ?? […HIS was one of the first , I seem to remember ??!!]



I added color to the logo using MS paint and just erasing and filling it back in.  Here is the version I used.

Origional Thread including the Hickys color version.

I thought there were more in color as well.

amazing how hard it is sometimes to find something even when you know exactly what you are looking for. Man there is a lot of info here.
