Concave Configuration Contemplation

I am just seeking some others imput on the theory of concaves their placement and functionality.(as applied to shortboards) Vs. the use of convex or displacement hulls like Vee. This is my understanding of it. please contribute to or affrim and info. here To achieve a looser board (side to side) - the single concave carries further towards fins before double concave develops in order to increase the amount of board that is lifted as to provide a more “skatier” looseness (side to side). But you lose some of the rail ro rail action because of the increased lift due to the concave correct? As well as sacrificing some of the projection or drive out of bottom turns due to the smaller double concave section which when properly instituted acts as a compression area to force out the water that is in that area at the time of making the turn. Less area equals less water in the area which equals less compression or force to assit in creating drive or projection out of the turn. Right? Driver boards - single concave transitions into double concave closer to the wide point. In this case you lose some of the “skatier” looseness (side to side) because the lack of single concave but increase the amount of drive or projection out of your turns because of the incrreased double concave area which equals more compression providing more projection out of the turns. Right? When using a convex bottom like slight roll in he mid section to vee in the tail. You lose that “skatier” side to side feel but increase your rail to rail actions because your bottom now has some what of a pivot point. Right? But in the case of drive out of your turns there is no increase projection because the water has a clear exit line an is not being trapped due to the vee. Because of the constant exit flow it would seem as if no project is lost either. Correct? So what ever bottom contour one incorporateds into the board something is always sacraficed. Please, I would really like to know if what I have stated above in the various combination is correct info. If there is anything wrong or lacking from this info. please state it so that we all here at swaylocks can have a better understanding of the different bottom configurations and the functions. Sorry to lengthy Thanks