I had a conversation with a proponent of the Front Channel school of thought as opposed to the Concave for a noserider. The claim was the the channels that are set about 2" off of the rails do a better job for an all around longboard that is a good noserider as well as manuverable. The rails are hard in the tail transitioning into down rails about 18" up to the 60% mark then becoming gradually neutral towards the nose. What do you guys think? I want to make a 9’6" noserider – but it wouldn’t kill me if it could move around a bit… Thanks, Magoo Hey Herb, Did you manage to catch the Seal River Jetty during this swell? M.
Friend of mine shaped and nice 9’0" with nose channels. I haven’t ridden it but he prefers channels to concave and says he converted many when he was shaping in CA. I would think tracking would be an issue but I guess when on the nose you cant steer much anyway. I do know his glasser charges extra for it, says its a bitch. I taped him shaping one, if you want length and spacing measurements I’ll have a look.
Magoo>>> Hey Herb, Did you manage to catch the Seal River Jetty during this swell? > M. …I surfed it today,and Friday,got some nice meaty kirra type waves,lots of close outs,I got a 10’er+(wave o the day) from next to the long jetty,thru 2 packs of wolves.and pretty much a bottom turn and stand-up, under the hook the whole way to the beach beyond crabs.Lots of waves,really shallow!I watched a number of guys following me to the spot only to get hammmerrrred by a head-high++in-knee-deep-water wave,they didn’t last long ,and paddled back to crabs.Creature,was killing barries,Andy D. was getting AlaMo lefts in the harbor(watch the patrol ,the fine is for speeding in a 5 zone).Water was cold today compared to Friday.Herb
…Saw Bill Fury today hanging at the River’s end,he’s doing much better.He says Gordie is coming along too.Bill’s going to a Huntington Beach reunion tonight.I gave him some goodies,and he was happy.He says HI to everyone.Herb
Magoo, I don’t know about everyone else, but my limited time on the tip of these two designs suggested both ideas work and its kinda a feel thing. The channels seemed to allow the board to move faster while giving lift whereas the concave seemed to slow the board down. I never felt either affected the manuverability. Newbs