Anybody know a good glass shop in Orange County area I can get a board glassed?(contract glassing) contact info?
Anybody know a good glass shop in Orange County area I can get a board > glassed?(contract glassing) contact info? …Next to Foam-EZ is surfboard factory,across from them is Gerson’s Mystic surfboards,and Hourglass factory,also Aloha up the street,these are in the same complex as Foam-EZ.Herb
Waterman’s Guild in Santa Ana did a nice job on my last board…Having used both Bashem’s and Waterman’s Guild, I would suggest the latter as a more professional experience. Justin
Anybody know a good glass shop in Orange County area I can get a board > glassed?(contract glassing) contact info? Aloha does excellent work & on time. a very professional operation. call: Steve @ 714 894-4455
Waterman’s Guild in Santa Ana. 714-751-0603.>>> Anybody know a good glass shop in Orange County area I can get a board > glassed?(contract glassing) contact info?