Hello for those of you who are new to the message board. Im Coral. I come on occasionally to give generalisations about the surf industry and surfers. I hope you enjoy any future comedic responses that i feel compelled to post. They wont be helpful to your questions, but they will help relieve the pent up frustrations about surfing and surfers that i hold inside. Chow
its “ciao” retard
Hello for those of you who are new to the message board. Im Coral. I come > on occasionally to give generalisations about the surf industry and > surfers. I hope you enjoy any future comedic responses that i feel > compelled to post. They wont be helpful to your questions, but they will > help relieve the pent up frustrations about surfing and surfers that i > hold inside.>>> Chow How exciting(yawn)
How exciting(yawn) budder bing butter bang butter bingo budder boom if sacrcasm was cool youd be the fonz
Me like Coral.Coral make me laugh…Mongo like to laugh.Mongo no like you make bad talk about Coral…den Mongo mad.Mongo no like be mad. MONGO
Me like Coral.Coral make me laugh…Mongo like to laugh.Mongo no like you > make bad talk about Coral…den Mongo mad.Mongo no like be mad. MONGO Hey “Mongo”… wasn’t the big oaf in the Blazing Saddles movie named “Mongol”?I say that you are an imposter.Plus the real “Mongol” wouldn’t know how to write or use a computer.Plus…Coral is a girl…Mongol tended to aim his affections toward hogs,cows,and occasionaly a goat or two.
…She makes me laugh! …and I still love you Coral, even if you love Newbs more.Herb
Hello for those of you who are new to the message board. Im Coral. I come > on occasionally to give generalisations about the surf industry and > surfers. I hope you enjoy any future comedic responses that i feel > compelled to post. They wont be helpful to your questions, but they will > help relieve the pent up frustrations about surfing and surfers that i > hold inside.>>> Chow Looks like the imposter’s back! … have fun
Me like Coral.Coral make me laugh…Mongo like to laugh.Mongo no like you > make bad talk about Coral…den Mongo mad.Mongo no like be mad. MONGO I think Clyde Beatty is Coral. What do you think?
Hey “Mongo”… wasn’t the big oaf in the Blazing Saddles movie > named “Mongol”?I say that you are an imposter.Plus the real > “Mongol” wouldn’t know how to write or use a > computer.Plus…Coral is a girl…Mongol tended to aim his affections > toward hogs,cows,and occasionaly a goat or two. What makes you think Coral is a girl? A little bird told me who Coral really is but my lips are sealed. Think about it , how many girls do you know with Coral’s satirical wit. Only the Shadow knows,well maybe a few people know. Aloha, Kokua
I think Clyde Beatty is Coral. What do you think? Just kidding. We’ll keep it a secret.
Hey “Mongo”… wasn’t the big oaf in the Blazing Saddles movie > named “Mongol”?I say that you are an imposter.Plus the real > “Mongol” wouldn’t know how to write or use a > computer.Plus…Coral is a girl…Mongol tended to aim his affections > toward hogs,cows,and occasionaly a goat or two. Mongo change name to be more “politically correct”.Mongo learn to spell in house with no windows where Mongo was locked up.Mongo now surf dude…Mongo like to duck dive 35 foot Mavericks.Mongo no more date cows and hogs…Mongo ladies man now.One day Mongo shape board.Mongo love Coral.Mongo coming to your favorite spot soon.
I think Clyde Beatty is Coral. What do you think? My dad said that Clyde Beatty ran a circus. What do you think? … have fun
My dad said that Clyde Beatty ran a circus. What do you think? … have > fun http://www.tias.com/stores/rgt/pictures/2381a.jpg
Just kidding. We’ll keep it a secret. Ray?? Ray who?? Mad Mike??
Looks like the imposter is black! have fun [blush]P
Looks like the imposter is black! have fun [blush]P The imposter still can’t get it right … have fun
What makes you think Coral is a girl? A little bird told me who Coral > really is but my lips are sealed. Think about it , how many girls do you > know with Coral’s satirical wit. Only the Shadow knows,well maybe a few > people know. Aloha, Kokua Bonta are somehow related??? I also thought that Mongo was actually Mango… I’m gonna have to ask one of the Johnsons — maybe Howard… (I dig that damn flick) Magoo
Bonta are somehow related??? I also thought that Mongo was actually > Mango… I’m gonna have to ask one of the Johnsons — maybe Howard…>>> (I dig that damn flick)>>> Magoo Mongo like mangos.Mongo not feel so good today…Mongo learning to shape.Factory crew play joke on Mongo…they loosen planer blades and dey go thru Mongos kneecap…den when Mongo come back from hospital the factory boys make toast to Mongo’s recovery,dey put catylist in Mongo’s shot glass.Tomorrow the factory boys are going to teach Mongo how to use high speed router.Later…Mongo
Add sceptic to the list. I think he/she was created just to stir up the swalock pot. my vote for swaylock mascot is a toss up between coral and bonta.