I was thinking about doing a board with the cork/ply layers ala paul jensen’s boards, thinking about the steps involved, and then my mind went off into the potential performance differences. A thought occurred to me that I would like to bounce off of the more technical-minded here. I think it is something worth examining, especially since there are now folks out there who are using this type of rail on boards meant to be ridden in “high-performance” situations.
The jist of it is this: How will a rail made of alternating layers of ply and cork perform under high-load situations?
Now, I may well be far off base on this, but if you all will indulge me, I’m interested in hearing some input.
In my thought-experiement, I am comparing the cork/ply rail to a compsand-style balsa rail, since that’s what I’m most familiar with.
There are two types of flex that I was thinking would be different with this kind of rail. The first one is the kind of flex that effects the rocker of the board, the kind you see when nev stands on a firewire for a photo op. Longitudinal flex, is that right? At any rate, when a balsa rail flexes, it flexes as a unit. The separate layers of balsa are bonded with epoxy, and there is no shear between the layers. When the board is flexed into a turn, it flexes back out with all the energy that has been stored in the wood (I’m sure there are many physics caveats to that statement, but this is just a thought experiment).
What happens in that case with a ply/cork rail? It seems to me that you would get full flex at the ply layer closest to the deck/bottom skins, but then since cork isn’t a structural material, it isn’t going to respond the same, or transfer the same forces to the next layer of ply, and so on until you’ve reached the outer layers. Won’t cork act as a dampener to any flex/flex return in this case? Is a rail like this going to have any “spring” in it? Or will that quality be dependent on the construction of the hull that its attached to?
The other kind of flex is the kind of flex that happens when you place your knee on the stringer and pull the rails towards yourself, again don’t know what the term is for this kind of flex, but just for the purpose of the discussion let me call it upward flex. This is very important to consider because in a high-performance situation, during fully committed rail-based turns, the forces acting at the very edges of the board, pushing up while the surfer’s feet push down, are enormous.
Ok, I know how that works in a balsa rail. The rail is 1/2" thick, firmly attached to the deck and bottom skins. Any flex that is going to happen as a result of a deeply comitted rail turn is going to happen inboard of the rail. The board might taco a little in the middle, but the rail simply won’t flex that way.
But what about the ply/cork rail? If it is 1.5" wide and has four layers of 1/8 cork in it, won’t the mild compressibility and shear-ability of cork cause the rail to curve upward in a hard turn, changing the rail-line curve and railshape?
With the differences in flex I’m hypothosizing along these two planes, I’m thinking that, all else being equal, a cork/ply rail would feel less lively at best, and performance-robbing at worst.
Now, I know that many boards have been made this way, with no mention of any of the stuff I’ve just brought up. I’m thinking that since so many of them are mid-sized or longboards, they simply aren’t being ridden close enough to those performance extremes to really put major force on the rails.
I also know that the glass/resin that encases these rails does bond them, and will help to transfer the forces from layer to layer. But the glass, as well all know, has most of its strength in tension, so when the layers are compressing or shearing, it would seem that the glass won’t be helping a whole lot.
So, what do you all think? Am I way off base here? I have no experimental evidence, or even direct experience, but it just doesn’t “feel” right, from a instinctive mechanical point of view, to have soft layers in a structure that is expected in the longitudinal plane to repeatedly load and unload, store and release energy, while not flexing vertically. You don’t see layers of cork in a recurve bow, right?