Costa Rica Advice

Im planning to take a trip to Costa Rica in March and was wondering if those who have been there could help me out. About five of us are going for a week or more most likely in the Northern Pacific region. We are concidering the Witches Rock Surf Camp, however, we don’t know of anyone who has gone. Our concern is that it would be too crowded for comfort. Maybe we would be better off on a second class wave somewhere else, or at least at a spot that isn’t so well known, but just as good. If you guys/gals know of a great spot that you have been to and would recomend, I would greatly apreciate it! Thanks, Kevin

Im planning to take a trip to Costa Rica in March and was wondering if > those who have been there could help me out. About five of us are going > for a week or more most likely in the Northern Pacific region. We are > concidering the Witches Rock Surf Camp, however, we don’t know of anyone > who has gone. Our concern is that it would be too crowded for comfort. > Maybe we would be better off on a second class wave somewhere else, or at > least at a spot that isn’t so well known, but just as good. If you > guys/gals know of a great spot that you have been to and would recomend, I > would greatly apreciate it!>>> Thanks, Kevin Nosara is a beautiful part of the country with great waves and a lot less crowds than the more publicized areas. I have only been to the Central pacific area, but have a friend who owns property in Nosara and swears by it, I have seen pictures that back up his claims as well.

Im planning to take a trip to Costa Rica in March and was wondering if > those who have been there could help me out. About five of us are going > for a week or more most likely in the Northern Pacific region. We are > concidering the Witches Rock Surf Camp, however, we don’t know of anyone > who has gone. Our concern is that it would be too crowded for comfort. > Maybe we would be better off on a second class wave somewhere else, or at > least at a spot that isn’t so well known, but just as good. If you > guys/gals know of a great spot that you have been to and would recomend, I > would greatly apreciate it!>>> Thanks, Kevin Hey Kevin your heading to right part of CR but you may want to check out the south end Santa Teresa ? i think thats how you spell it. Great beach break some reefs and to the north is a point like reef. it takes all swell. Rent a 4x4 it’s the only way in CR. A big plus is spring brings less bugs and the south swell start to happen. I have had so many people say that WR is not all that great for what you go thru to surf another beach break??? Wish i was going $^&* next year… Rob

Nosara is a beautiful part of the country with great waves and a lot less > crowds than the more publicized areas.>>> I have only been to the Central pacific area, but have a friend who owns > property in Nosara and swears by it, I have seen pictures that back up his > claims as well. thanks for the advice!! this is exactly the info im looking for. Im going to give these places a concideration. If anyone else has similar advice or experinces, your replys are apreciated!! thanks!! kevin

Im planning to take a trip to Costa Rica in March and was wondering if > those who have been there could help me out. About five of us are going > for a week or more most likely in the Northern Pacific region. We are > concidering the Witches Rock Surf Camp, however, we don’t know of anyone > who has gone. Our concern is that it would be too crowded for comfort. > Maybe we would be better off on a second class wave somewhere else, or at > least at a spot that isn’t so well known, but just as good. If you > guys/gals know of a great spot that you have been to and would recomend, I > would greatly apreciate it!>>> Thanks, Kevin I try to get down there twice a year or so but my little casa is in the Jaco/Playa Hermosa area in central CR. You’ve picked the right place at the right time as the Guanacaste area works best on north and northwest swells. The wind at that time of year is off shore (sometimes too much of a good thing). Playa Naranjo (Witch’s Rock) is a long way from anywhere and it is inside a national park. Where is the surf camp? Is it reputable? If it is in the park itself, it’ll be pretty primative. Most people stay in Tamarindo and boat up to Narnajo as there are numerous beach breaks and reefs in the Tamarindo area to bail to if there is inconsistant surf. If you’re stuck in Naranjo with no surf, you’ll be bumming…Tamarindo will be crowded but go with the flow and you’ll have a great time. Most of the hidden treasures are along the Nicoya Peninsula. A lot of “You can’t get there from here”. If you are camping in the park, you’ll have a better chance of getting a few to yourself than if you boat in as the boats leave in the AM and return before dark. You’ll have a pretty big pack in the late morning through mid afternoon. Early AM or late afternoon will be pretty empty. Remember the sun rises at 5 AM and sets at 5 PM since your so close to the Equator. Costa Rica is just fantastic if you get into a tropical groove and go slow. The folks down there are eager to please but there is definately “Tico Time” that is much slower and less predictable than “Norte Time”. You can have a boat all set up to leave at 8:00 AM, you show up at 7:30 and wait till 9:30 and bail, only to find out they left at 10:30 with a full boat that they over booked from the day before. CR is also more than surf and whore houses (its legal in case you didn’t know). The people are wonderful, the country side beautiful, the water is warm and the food is great. No matter what happens, you should plan on several trips to different parts of the country to gain a real appreciation of the place. Pura Vida Newbs

Hey there. I was down in CR back in Feb of this year…had a great time! I stayed in Playa Tamarindo which was a nice little town. It is ideal if you can rent a 4x4 for the length of your stay as surf breaks require quite a bit of driving to get to. There is surfing right in Tamarindo (beach break and river-mouth), with several other waves like Playa Negra (reef) nearby. It is a 45 minute drive to the town where Witch’s Rock Surf Camp is located. Not too far. The reason I didn’t just spend my time in that particular town was that I got the impression that most of the waves in the area required a boat to get to…including Witch’s and Ollie’s Point. As far as Witch’s and Ollie’s being crowded…there were about a dozen of us at each break, but the vibe was really mellow…no attitude…everyone was calling each other into waves and hootin it up whenever someone hook a really good wave or move. Super fun time. The day-long boat trip to these two breaks was only $50 and included lunch. That super fun vibe is not necessarily the rule down there. I had some real jerks dropping in on everyone they could at Playa Negra…it just depends who shows up that day I guess! Hope that info helps. If you have any questions about where I stayed, what sort of equipment you can find, or things to do if the surf is flat…just email me and i’d be glad to share. Take Care Dee

Im planning to take a trip to Costa Rica in March and was wondering if > those who have been there could help me out. About five of us are going > for a week or more most likely in the Northern Pacific region. We are > concidering the Witches Rock Surf Camp, however, we don’t know of anyone > who has gone. Our concern is that it would be too crowded for comfort. > Maybe we would be better off on a second class wave somewhere else, or at > least at a spot that isn’t so well known, but just as good. If you > guys/gals know of a great spot that you have been to and would recomend, I > would greatly apreciate it!>>> Thanks, Kevin Kevin, I lived in Costa Rica for a year and have been back many times. Waves up north are nice but that whole area is crowded. Dominical in the south is nice and if you must go north, Santa Teresa and Mal Pais are ruthless spots. Waves fired every time I was there(at least once a week every week for a year) A bit difficult to get to. Just make sure you take the Paquera ferry not the other one or you’ll be in for a long, muddy, difficult 4wd trip to get there. Paquera roads are paved and nice and not far of a drive from there. If you do go up north, and find a flat day, go check arenal volcano - Tabacon resort specifically, for like 15 bucks you kick it in 104 degree natrual spring waterfalls heated by the volcano and at night you might get a glimps of the lava shooting. Costa rica is a fabulous place. Although when your done there you might not want to come back… I did unfortunatly. Although Jamaica is a sick place to visit too, Great waves and semi uncrowded… have fun

what are the wave like? shortboard waves, hollow? any good longboarding breaks? any good cheap hotels?

Have any of you heard much about: “Best Western Tamarindo Vita Villas” They seem to have a pretty cool package set up. With a rental Ride. Another question I have is renting boards? I would much rather save the cost of bringing my own board. How are the boards that some of these places offer. Are they junk or do most have decent boards to choose from? Thanks for all your input!! Kevin Just curious, how far of a tri is Whiches rock/Ollies point from the Tamarindao area?

On a resent trip to C.R. I stayed at the vista villas. It’s a nice place to stay ,are very surf savvy , and rent Robert August boards. It’s right across the street from W.R. surf camp, who also have a camp at Playas del Coco, where you leave from for boat trips to Witches Rock. Ollie’s is a Southswell break. We took a boat trip up to Ollie’s and Witches Rock with W.R.S.C. , they had it dialed pretty good , fed us breakfast on the beach, lunch on the boat. Joe Walsh , owner of the camp , is a great guy, as is most everyone down there. Beautiful water, people, and surf. Go to Tamarindo and check it out. It’s pretty easy to find the place to stay that fits your needs. W.R.S.C has a web site. There accommodations include everything from tents to private rooms. There were lots of young people frolicking about with smiles and glassy eyes. If I were 20 yrs. old again , that would be my point of origin. I’d bring your own boards. Let us know if you need more information.

Thanks for the Info. Yea, I kinda thought I should bring my own board. Im just really turned off with the airline charges, its absolutely makes no sense. I won’t get myself started. Yea, I can see how The Villa and the camp and are a real party down area. I think what im kinda looking for is a place that is pretty chill and almost empty (but who the hell isn’t). There is a place called “Hotel Del Jardin” in Tamarindo and they promote a surf package that hooks people up with an ATV and takes them to a “secret” spot (Ok so 50 extra people might not know). Have you or anyone else heard of this option or have done it? Overall, im all about checking out the Witches rock and Ollies point. Although, I would love to get away from the crowds for the remainder of the trip, even if the waves are slightly weaker. thatnks for the advices, you have all been helpful. K>>> On a resent trip to C.R. I stayed at the vista villas. It’s a nice place > to stay ,are very surf savvy , and rent Robert August boards. It’s right > across the street from W.R. surf camp, who also have a camp at Playas del > Coco, where you leave from for boat trips to Witches Rock. Ollie’s is a > Southswell break. We took a boat trip up to Ollie’s and Witches Rock with > W.R.S.C. , they had it dialed pretty good , fed us breakfast on the beach, > lunch on the boat. Joe Walsh , owner of the camp , is a great guy, as is > most everyone down there. Beautiful water, people, and surf. Go to > Tamarindo and check it out. It’s pretty easy to find the place to stay > that fits your needs. W.R.S.C has a web site. There accommodations include > everything from tents to private rooms. There were lots of young people > frolicking about with smiles and glassy eyes. If I were 20 yrs. old again > , that would be my point of origin. I’d bring your own boards. Let us know > if you need more information.

if the swell is pumping, keep boca baranca(sp) in mind on your trip back to the airport there is a sweet all inclusive americanized resort just up the road that you can pimp out at too. I think that boca is where they do the toes on the nose comp. such a long left that if your not careful you can spen 1/2 an hour paddleing back. it was the perfect ending to my trip last march before we got back on the plane. prey for surf,>>> Thanks for the Info. Yea, I kinda thought I should bring my own board. Im > just really turned off with the airline charges, its absolutely makes no > sense. I won’t get myself started.>>> Yea, I can see how The Villa and the camp and are a real party down area.>>> I think what im kinda looking for is a place that is pretty chill and > almost empty (but who the hell isn’t). There is a place called “Hotel > Del Jardin” in Tamarindo and they promote a surf package that hooks > people up with an ATV and takes them to a “secret” spot (Ok so > 50 extra people might not know). Have you or anyone else heard of this > option or have done it?>>> Overall, im all about checking out the Witches rock and Ollies point. > Although, I would love to get away from the crowds for the remainder of > the trip, even if the waves are slightly weaker.>>> thatnks for the advices, you have all been helpful.>>> K

if the swell is pumping, keep boca baranca(sp) in mind on your trip back > to the airport there is a sweet all inclusive americanized resort just up > the road that you can pimp out at too. I think that boca is where they do > the toes on the nose comp. such a long left that if your not careful you > can spen 1/2 an hour paddleing back. it was the perfect ending to my trip > last march before we got back on the plane.>>> prey for surf, That sounds pretty sick! Thanks for the tip. Im gonna look it up! Thanks again K

Hey again. Vista Villas is a great place to stay. The boards they rent are in really good condition. If you longboard, they have a great selection. You might want to reserve a board in advance though. There are a few other places in town to rent boards as well…some good…some very bad! The Vista Villas is also cool because you can book all sorts of non-surf activities throught he hotel. Food is good…decent price…large portions. Later Dee

That sounds pretty sick! Thanks for the tip. Im gonna look it up! Thanks > again K It’s the dirtiest water in Costa Rica. Real funky.

It’s the dirtiest water in Costa Rica. Real funky. Isn’t that the truth, if you’re thinking of surfing Boca I’d advise you get a gamaglobulin shot to help against contacting hepatitus. I was there in 95, got best waves at Playa Hermosa, Playa Negra, Playa Grande. I hope you like mud if you go during the wet season. Ah Costa Rica, the land of never ending potholes. Oh yeah make sure you rent your car from a reputable agency.Buenas suerte, Aloha, Kokua

Isn’t that the truth, if you’re thinking of surfing Boca I’d advise you > get a gamaglobulin shot to help against contacting hepatitus. I was there > in 95, got best waves at Playa Hermosa, Playa Negra, Playa Grande. I hope > you like mud if you go during the wet season. Ah Costa Rica, the land of > never ending potholes. Oh yeah make sure you rent your car from a > reputable agency.Buenas suerte, Aloha, Kokua Costa Rica, Costa Rica, my sweet love. How much through these many years have I sacrificed to just to have you? But I never could. Now you have become nothing more than a fading shadow of your former self, a street whore long past the radiant flower of your youth. Adios, my amiga.

what’s the average cost per day to stay in costa rica?

i consider myself a better board builder than a surfer. i am an average surfer. i was looking for the best place to travel to so i can boost my surfing a little more. basically somewhere where the breaks aren;t too nuts. Costa Rica???
