Costco Boards

I heard of boards being sold at Costco, old hat but recently heard the news again. I heard the boards were $199 and were HIC’s anf Aloha’s. How can the cost of a new board be under two bills?! Glass shops glass boards for no less than $140 and blanks cost quite a lot, so where is the profit?

I heard of boards being sold at Costco, old hat but recently heard the > news again. I heard the boards were $199 and were HIC’s anf Aloha’s. How > can the cost of a new board be under two bills?! Glass shops glass boards > for no less than $140 and blanks cost quite a lot, so where is the profit? …probably made somewhere over seas,like Ron Jon’s,here at THE BLOCK IN ORANGE A LONGBOARD WITH THE Ron Jon label is about $275.00 with color fins,and glossed and polished.Herb

I can see it now…Thousands of valley people sitting in the line up clueless on thier 100 dollar chinese cookie cutter boards saying “Hey dude cool waves as you paddle out.”

I can see it now…Thousands of valley people sitting in the line up > clueless on thier 100 dollar chinese cookie cutter boards saying "Hey > dude cool waves as you paddle out. Or, I am so lucky my Mom has a Costco card because I got an HIC for $199 (child labor abuse I am sure). Hey, my Mom will buy you one and you can pay me back. Jim, the problem is that not just valley kooks shop at Costco…there is a Costco of Morena…not far from the beach. The bummer fact is that people don’t mind cookie cutter boards that much. Doesn’t a custom board maker just cut out another cookie anyway, just on request is all the difference. If people experimented more often and required their shaper to create new templates and designs etc…cookies wouldn’t be in fashion.

I heard of boards being sold at Costco, old hat but recently heard the > news again. I heard the boards were $199 and were HIC’s anf Aloha’s. How > can the cost of a new board be under two bills?! Glass shops glass boards > for no less than $140 and blanks cost quite a lot, so where is the profit? Steve, Check out the cheap Kayaks as well. Any idea who is making these? Brent

Steve…most people are like sheep and will follow the herd. Myself , I prefer to make my own boards. I haven’t owned a board in years that didn’t have a dog hair or some other foreign object glassed in. At the moment I’m riding a 6’11" egg single fin. Here on the east coast single fin short boards are not in vogue. Do I care? Not a bit! This board is soooo fun I may not make another board for a couple of months.

who knows the circumstances of how costco got ahold of those boards…but hearing that they’re selling for $199 !!! because i’m not in the trade, and because of where i live, i’m paying a premium for everything. i got my 7_9E for $85, 6oz. warp $3.50 yd, silmar 23.75 gal…just add the other chemicals, paints, abrasives, templating material, fins/boxes/plugs. hey, i’m just an amateur - i love building them, but after all the time, expense, mess and aggravation (see:wife), i wouldn’t sell one of them for $800 (not that they’d be worth it to anyone else). my sons will inherit these, and they’ll probably wonder what the hell their dad was thinking when they check out the sale racks at costco. please excuse this rant, but $199.00?? - ouch!!

the boards i saw at costco here in l.a. were Aloha’s, all three that they had were basic production shortboard potato chips, 6’1"-6’3", 18" wide, 2 1/8" thick, and had little shatter dings all up and down the rails top and bottom. it was pathetic. my guess is they’re seconds or something. anyone older or bigger than a 7th grader’s not going to stick with surfing if thats what they’re starting with. what scares me is when they have the 8’ funboards for 199.99…watch out!!!

I can see it now…Thousands of valley people sitting in the line up > clueless on thier 100 dollar chinese cookie cutter boards saying “Hey > dude cool waves as you paddle out.” As a manufacturer I should be scared, but it is an entry level product. A beginner needs a Rusty, Al, or any other top label like a hole in the head. The most damage to boards happens as a neophite. All of the bells and whistles are lost on them. I never try to push a new board on a customer as their first board. It is no more useful to them as a #4 foley catheter. If you look at one of the Taiwan boards, they are quite good for the money, sorry to say. It is like that search for the Holy Grail Skil planer, good only in the right hands.

As a manufacturer I should be scared, but it is an entry level product. A > beginner needs a Rusty, Al, or any other top label like a hole in the > head. The most damage to boards happens as a neophite. All of the bells > and whistles are lost on them. I never try to push a new board on a > customer as their first board. It is no more useful to them as a #4 foley > catheter. If you look at one of the Taiwan boards, they are quite good for > the money, sorry to say.>>> It is like that search for the Holy Grail Skil planer, good only in the > right hands…I have to agree with Jim on this one.The shapes maybe a little on the standard side,but they appear very nice to the eye.In the long run you get what you pay for,i’ve seen a few of them after a few months and the boards aged rapidly(browning),ding easily,and lose color quickly.I suspect that the “chinese chopsticks” are over sanded for appearance,then glossed over,and polished to cover the thin glass…Regardless,I’m not suffering from it.The guys that come to me want what I build,you CAN’T buy MY BOARDS at RonJons or Costco,no more than ANYONE can buy one of YOURS there.Herb

Herb, they are using one of the Austrailian foams. Ron Jons was having the blanks shaped in Oz and shipped for glassing in Taiwan. I think this accounts for the early yellowing and fairly soft lams. The costco shopper is the one who would try to beat us down on the price anyway.This is the very reason I had to build my first board, my Dad wasn’t going to pay 150.oo for my first board (that was 1961) Parents didn’t drop that kind of dough. If I didn’t build my own boards and one of my kids wanted an Al Merrick for 600.oo$, he’d be shit outta luck! It’s eat or get a new board! Po’ but proud

The costco shopper is the one who would try to beat us down on the price > anyway.This is the very reason I had to build my first board, my Dad > wasn’t going to pay 150.oo for my first board (that was 1961) Parents > didn’t drop that kind of dough. If I didn’t build my own boards and one of > my kids wanted an Al Merrick for 600.oo$, he’d be shit outta luck! It’s > eat or get a new board! Po’ but proud…Ya buddy,here’s an equal comparison; I was invitied to go fishing on a overnight run on a chartered boat out of L.B. to chase tuna.The boat had some engine failure so we ended up fishing the back side of Catalina.The guys I went fishing all had 5-7 rods each with reels that cost 200.00-500.00 each with custom rods to match in price.Me I had 3 set-ups, the most expensive was about 150.00 total rod,and reel.The rod I used 99% of the time was a Daiwa 8" sealine,and a XR-7 Zebco Quantum reel(coffee grinder).The reel cost me about 20.00 at K-MART,the rod about 70.00 at BIG-5.I used K-mart label(german made,ANDE)line at 3 bucks a 1/4 lb. spool.WITHIN A HALF HOUR I COMMANDED THE JACKPOT FISH WITH A 20 LB. HALIBUT.These guys had sunglasses or spooled line that cost more than my intire set-up.WELL,I won the jackpot at the end of the day(80.00)tipped the 3 deckhands well,and off the boat we went.When we loaded up the gear in my buddy’s Ford Expedition,Ed congragulated me on getting paid to go fishing,and I said ya,and I did it with my K-MART 20.00 DOLLAR"COFFEE GRINDER" REEL,AND BUDGET LINE.Everyone LAUGHED LOUDLY!!! PO BUT PROUD BUDDY!!!Herb.

Herb, I’ve never seen a Zebco reel screw up. They seem to be the best at simply made and K-Mart has a very relaxed return policy! It ain’t the rod, it’s the fisherman!

“Pat, Pat, Pat”, That’s the sound of yuze guyz patting each others back. Your both GREAT and luv each other. Yuze have nothing to worry about when it comes to Costco’s budget boards.>>> Herb, I’ve never seen a Zebco reel screw up. They seem to be the best at > simply made and K-Mart has a very relaxed return policy! It ain’t the rod, > it’s the fisherman!

I’d rather be a lucky man anyday…than a well equiped one.Herb.

I do,we could have all been born, raised,and died in some 3rd. world getto and never had the oportunities that we all have…NEVER QUIT.Herb.

I heard of boards being sold at Costco, old hat but recently heard the > news again. I heard the boards were $199 and were HIC’s anf Aloha’s. How > can the cost of a new board be under two bills?! Glass shops glass boards > for no less than $140 and blanks cost quite a lot, so where is the profit? Some of the boards sold at Costco are made by a family owned and operated company in Goleta, CA named Wayne Rides. Costco does not buy these boards, the people from Wayne Rides travel to the Costco site and deal direct with the customer. Wayne Rides operates on a low overhead shoestring budget so they can deliver a quality product. True, it’s no Yater, Velzy, Tyler, Harbour or DT, but they are good, solid basic boards I was skeptical too until my wife bought me one for Xmas last year to use as a beater. For $400, I got a 9’6" x 23 x 3 1/4 single fin longboard from the same local shaper who made my high $$custom board less than a year earlier! I’ve met the Wayne Rides family. They are honest, very religious people who work hard and believe strongly in presenting a quality product. Costco is not their only sales outlet. They have a website at Check it out before you condemn all Costco boards as junk. Aloha, John

Some of the boards sold at Costco are made by a family owned and operated > company in Goleta, CA named Wayne Rides. Costco does not buy these boards, > the people from Wayne Rides travel to the Costco site and deal direct with > the customer. Wayne Rides operates on a low overhead shoestring budget so > they can deliver a quality product. True, it’s no Yater, Velzy, Tyler, > Harbour or DT, but they are good, solid basic boards>>> I was skeptical too until my wife bought me one for Xmas last year to use > as a beater. For $400, I got a 9’6" x 23 x 3 1/4 single fin longboard > from the same local shaper who made my high $$custom board less than a > year earlier!>>> I’ve met the Wayne Rides family. They are honest, very religious people > who work hard and believe strongly in presenting a quality product. Costco > is not their only sales outlet. They have a website at > Check it out before you condemn all Costco boards as junk. Ahh John, junk was not what we refered to them as. My thought is “entry level” boards or the budget models. This goes for “shop” labels, the resale value elsewhere is nil. I try to discourage a first time buyer from getting a new custom board from me. All of the technology, bells and whistles are lost on them. I tell them they are wasting money on a new (expensive) first time board. > Aloha, John