
Take a look at some of the latest posts… particularly the fine detail of Roger Brucker, the unbelieveable woodwork of Paul Jensen and the meticulous fin foiling/spoon work by Paul Gross and see the work to which we should all aspire.

Take a look at some of the latest posts… particularly the fine detail of > Roger Brucker, the unbelieveable woodwork of Paul Jensen and the > meticulous fin foiling/spoon work by Paul Gross and see the work to which > we should all aspire. Now I cain`t imagine why guys on other surf forums say Swaylocks is about as boring as watchin fiberglass resin turn yellow. Duh?

Take a look at some of the latest posts… particularly the fine detail of > Roger Brucker, the unbelieveable woodwork of Paul Jensen and the > meticulous fin foiling/spoon work by Paul Gross and see the work to which > we should all aspire. Swaylocks Master craftsmen think tank… If you can’t get the answer you seek about anything to do with Design and Glassing on Swaylocks then there is no answer! There is over a hundred years of expertise and more Soul then James Brown here. I only wish i had Swaylocks when i was a kid learning how to build boards. For many of us boards is Art it’s my passion… Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.–Pablo Picasso

Now I cain`t imagine why guys on other surf forums say Swaylocks is about > as boring as watchin fiberglass resin turn yellow. Duh? Whachu talkin’ about willis? (lips pouted.)

Now I cain`t imagine why guys on other surf forums say Swaylocks is about > as boring as watchin fiberglass resin turn yellow. Duh? Whachu talkin’ about willis? (lips pouted.)

Now I cain`t imagine why guys on other surf forums say Swaylocks is about > as boring as watchin fiberglass resin turn yellow. Duh? You won’t mind going back where you came from then, eh? A little to much permenant wave inbetween the ears perhaps! Bye … have fun

Swaylocks Master craftsmen think tank… If you can’t get the answer you > seek about anything to do with Design and Glassing on Swaylocks then there > is no answer!>>> There is over a hundred years of expertise and more Soul then James Brown > here.>>> I only wish i had Swaylocks when i was a kid learning how to build boards.>>> For many of us boards is Art it’s my passion…>>> Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.–Pablo Picasso It is an industrial art, but nevertheless an art. When Roger Brucker sand I were living in Hawaii, from 1960 til’ 1964, the factories, Inter-Island, Surfboards Hawaii, Bohemian and Freds Surf Shop in Wahiawa, wee of loimits to anyone wanting to see how boards were built. The truth be, they were learning like everyone else, just further along the curve. I stumbled along learning from error, mostly, but found my way to a true master craftsman. Electrical engineer, auto mechanic, shaper, glasser, every phase of the surfboard perfectly. This is an inspiration to strive to get even better, cream rises to the top. There should be no “it’s good enough”, attempting to do the best job possible, better than the last, is the only way thay you will endure. Roger was already a wood worker and surfboard factory employee when he came to apprentice with me. If you can’t take time to do as good a job to make yourself proud, what will the public think?

For many of us boards is Art it’s my passion…>>> Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.–Pablo Picasso Rob… From where do you pull these quotes…???..Usually from you it’s “Dude…” …You’re deep… :slight_smile: Paul

John, thanks for the kind words… I just follow where I feel challenged…To be the best at what I can… I’m never going to be the worlds greatest foam mower, nor would I persue being the finest glasser… But the idea of being innovative with non-surfboard specific materials, now that gets me thinking… I tip my hat to Dale…Rob…Jim…Roger…Paul G…Halcyon…Noodle…and that kid in high school who’s just saving for a blank…borrowing a surform, and laying awake thinking of the perfect board (one that still eludes us all)…He’ll get his mom upset with the mess…Be ridiculed (at first) by his peers…Be frustrated with his results… and keep at it till he gets it right…Out there is the future… Finally, lets all thank Mike for his contribution to the art and craft… Without Swaylock’s this kind of exchange just wouldn’t be… Paul

John, thanks for the kind words…>>> I just follow where I feel challenged…To be the best at what I can… > I’m never going to be the worlds greatest foam mower, nor would I persue > being the finest glasser… But the idea of being innovative with > non-surfboard specific materials, now that gets me thinking…>>> I tip my hat to Dale…Rob…Jim…Roger…Paul G…Halcyon…Noodle…and > that kid in high school who’s just saving for a blank…borrowing a > surform, and laying awake thinking of the perfect board (one that still > eludes us all)…He’ll get his mom upset with the mess…Be ridiculed (at > first) by his peers…Be frustrated with his results… and keep at it till > he gets it right…Out there is the future…>>> Finally, lets all thank Mike for his contribution to the art and craft… > Without Swaylock’s this kind of exchange just wouldn’t be…>>> Paul Swaylocks is the best, I’m not familiar with any other web site that gives as much info about our obsession with foam and plastic. There is always something new or somebody to help on the discussion page. The Dali Lamas of surfboard building have found nirvana and it’s called Swaylocks.Aloha, Kokua

Swaylocks Master craftsmen think tank… If you can’t get the answer you > seek about anything to do with Design and Glassing on Swaylocks then there > is no answer!>>> There is over a hundred years of expertise and more Soul then James Brown > here.>>> I only wish i had Swaylocks when i was a kid learning how to build boards.>>> For many of us boards is Art it’s my passion…>>> Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.–Pablo Picasso Hell, Cleanlines is over a hundred by himself!

…Don’t let the mouse bite you on the way out!Herb