Create your own Longboard Fin box

Hi sir fishnsurfn,

Haven’t seen a fin break or a box being ripped out yet. just making boards from the advices i got from people and from the internet. 

If that moment happens of either the fin breaks and/or the box being ripped out, it will be worth the experience i guess.

Im planning to experiment my first glass-on fin as the obvious advice of the people here in swaylocks and  a prototype for the self-made finbox just for fun.

thank you for the advice sir.

Glass on might be a good option.

The crew at the Low Tech Lab mailed out some Tee Shirts a few years back… California and Oregon postage was $15… France was $40…Australia was $80. Just for a few shirts. The stoke value made it all worth it!   I’ve mailed some stuff and called it a book and got a discount…not sure how that works…

I hit the + button… Ray

In my experience, Bill T’s suggestion might work.

Each country is different and has their own taxes and fees for things coming into it.

But, usually, declaring no value saves $$$.

Check your private messages.

You can make them out of PVC plastic stock using a router.  Depending on the router cutters available, you may need to glue on a bottom (PVC pipe cement).   It’s also a very easy job for any machine shop to mill them from PVC (or other resin compatible plastic) in one piece.  If you only need a couple, having them shipped to you as a gift is obviously easier (as long as shipping costs are reasonable).  

I built wooden boxes for the woodboards I made for the movie that wasn’t, I built a sled for my thickness planer so I could duplicate the parts in a repeatable manner.

I didn’t want a totally vertical interior slot, something to keep the fin inplace, so I drafted out a dovetail design for the interior and a way to get the fin into the box.

The fin base was inverse of the dovetail and the box was 1" deep at the rear, tapering to 0" at the front, this way I could slide the fin in, having it stop at the rear of the box, this made for a lesser chance of the fin sliding forward in the water and getting lost.

It worked out well, no fins were lost. I had to built a  router temp. to fit it in the board, it had to have the same depth change as the box, I dry fitted the first one and had to put a dummy fin base in the box, drill a hole in the center,  put 2 pieces of 2x4 next to it with a scrap over the top and run a 3" screw into the dummy base to draw it upwards and out of the route. Almost too good of a fit !!!

Hey Cha,

What country are you living in?

Someone on sways might be close, and able to help locally.




G&S had a box they made, the " Glass Slider", the box was made around a plywood mandrel which the glass was wound around until it was fin box size, the sheet was sliced off 1" tall, the ply knocked out of the center. A bottom was glued on, installed like a fin box in the bottom, a router temp laid over it using a wing cutter to finish size the box and cut the plate slot. They are still in many vintage G$S’s that are out there


PM me your address.  I’ll send you one.  Or maybe you could Google 3-D Printers.