swaylocks is good , because , to my mind at least , it tends to encourage innovation and trying things out , a bit more than “other” forums .
I realise everyone is entitled to their opinions , but I really wonder sometimes why people are locked into doing things ‘old school’ …fishes , 50/50 rails , D-fins , massive old single fins being some examples .
It reminds me a bit of the black wetsuit white board mentality I heard and read about in some places [or was it the whole of cali?] in the 1970s.
My bottom line for experimenting , and trying new stuff , [yes , and revisiting ‘old school’ stuff , too, ] …
besides learning new techniques [eg: resin swirls , for me] …the bottom line for me is
…try what you want to try , ride what you want to ride , see if it works for you in your waves with your style , and if it doesn’t …well… move on …
Before people take up arms , this is a surf design forum , a GOOD one , and I am merely expressing my feelings / observations [which we ARE allowed to do here , by the way ] ,
but …
I would hate to think creativity here is being “stifled” by mindsets such as
"duuuuude , we did that twenty years ago " (implying that it doesn’t work today , even if modified ???), or
"it’s GOT to have glass on fins ‘’ , or
“well , the pros don’t ride them , so they …[?can’t be good " / ? don’t work ?” …insert whatever “stuff” here] you know the kind of stuff …
"you CAN’T put a fin box in a mal , it wouldn’t be “right” [says WHO ??]
Does it work ? and well , for YOU ? in your waves ?
is it functional ? [more than "fashionable "?]
Are you worried what people will say / think , if you ride something “different” [whatever THAT means ?!]
Are you riding what someone “said” I “should” ride / what is “in” at the moment / ***** rides it ?"
In closing ,
Are you having …wait for it …FUN , yet ? [that is also “allowed” ]
cheers ,