After finishing the gloss coat how long do you have to wait to get the board into the water?
People much more knowledgable than myself have said that you should wait at least a week to let the resin reach it’s fully cured state.
Howzit matrixdn, Did you make the board or order it from somebody. Can you see the weave texture in the board finish. If you see the weave texture than you should wait at least a week or two since the polisher heated up the board when using rubbing compound and set back the curing process. This is a problem caused from piece work since the polisher wants to do as many boards as possible so he can make more money. I take my time when polishing( 2hrs a board) since I don’t have to do 8 to 10 boards a day. Aloha, Kokua
…in a new board may be you dont see the weave, but with the months (boards in use) you see the compression of the resin and this is when the resin and the fiber obtain the best possible bond…, not when new…but you must avoid all the direct sunligth possible exposure …also and worst, the bond with the foam will you never obtain the perfect “joint” you want
yeah be really careful with sunlight or the hot trunk of your car etc