custom blanks

what other co.'s carry foam blanks. i am looking for custom or out of the ordinary type styles. such as t-bands, or 2" thick stringers. ???

what other co.'s carry foam blanks. i am looking for custom or out of the > ordinary type styles. such as t-bands, or 2" thick stringers. > ??? Walker Foam carries a nice selection of blanks. I am not sure the contact information for them but I will find out and post a reply in the next few days. I work part time in an apprentice/helper postition with a gifted shaper named Clay Bennett. The majority of his blanks are ordered from Walker Foam. They have a nice selection of T-band, exotic wood stringers, Colored High density Foam stringers and high density T-band wedges as well as many more. I will let you know as soon as I find out. good luck

Teddy: Clark Foam offers a vast array of blanks. Don’t overlook all of their stringer, glue colors, and various glue up options. Many of the online sites offering Clark Foam only stock the most popular sizes and configs. Try this site you can download the entire Clark Catalog. Lots of good information included in the catalog about rocker, foam density and how to choose and order blanks. Tom Sterne>>> what other co.'s carry foam blanks. i am looking for custom or out of the > ordinary type styles. such as t-bands, or 2" thick stringers. > ???

that would be a huge help…Walker sounds good!