Custom Panel Clamps by Sliver Paddleboards


I thought some of the other wood board builders might benefit from my homemade panel clamps. I am building hollow wood paddleboards so my panels are really large. The 4-way clamps are really fast and accurate. The top half of the clamp is a curved caul and the bottom in straight to keep the pressure even in the center. I have made these clamps 36" long to fit my largest panels. The linkage is 1/8" thick flat bar. The center pivots are made from 1 1/4" steel flat bar. They work really well at keeping everything in perfect alignment. Hope this info helps some others builders that have more time than money. I was able to make 18 for about $100. I have no interest is selling these clamps but there are companies that sell similar clamps for laminating thicker panels.


Vancouver, BC


looks like an add to me

Are you giving the design away ? Supplying dims and material sources ?

Or just selling stuff ?

Like Ray said, buy an ad.

Nothing new there.,43838&p=31181



thats pretty cool thanks for posting it up.  Where did you get the clamp mechanism?

The clamping mechanism is made from a piece of ½” x 1 ¼” flat bar. I drilled two ¼” holes through the narrow edge to accept the linkage plate.  The clamping portion is a 6” section of  7/16” Ready-rod. Because I use so many clamps at one time I made speed handles out of a 7/16" nut and small section of ¼” round stock. The handles are nice as I tighten the clamps without taking my hand of the handle.

The “dumb” end is just a 3" piece of the same flat stock.

Here is a construction photo….

The problem with these is that they turn a light weight easy to handle panel into a heavy cumbersome pain in the arse…(lol)…in an hour , I can tape stitch enough panels for half a dozen boards , stack 'em out the way , and leave the work-bench free for other things . I’m not trying to be negative , but less tools to deal with ( and store somewhere) is a nice efficiency dividend.

I too agree with tools that multi-task, but a flat panel is a beautiful thing.

Kayu, can you post a picture of one of your glue-ups. You are right that I can’t use my bench until the next day. I currently do the next boards panels as soon as I move to the shaping stand. Do you just tape both sides? I would love to know a better way.

I don’t have any relevant pictures to post…have a google , or you may find a demo on youtube ? . We also do a lot of solid timber furniture panels as well here…machine for that job is a rotary " Taylor" panel glueing machine - a brilliant design that’s been around since 1911 , and still works from the original factory in Poughkeepsie NY . Ive often wondered why the blank companies dont use these for their glue-ups…before we bought the Taylor (over 20years ago), we use sash clamps on a benchtop , and had heavy panels stacked all over the place…


Thank-you. I originally thought about drilling a hole at each end of my bench and then building just the top half of what “unclegrumpy” posted above. I didn’t like the idea of potentially clamping onto hardened glue on my bench. I use dedicated rocker ladder tables for each board that just sit on this same bench so if there is a better way I would be very interested. I currently do my taping and glue-ups right on the clamps but it isn’t anywhere near as fast as what you are doing.
