Starting a new board (#4), got a nice template lined out and started to saw one side to the template line, I accidently angled a long section (two feet) too much instead of keeping it 90 degrees and lost 1/2 inch off the bottom of my board…acccckk! Any solutions? I am thinking of using lots of qcell to fill it back in, maybe gluing the cut piece back on, etc. Any help would be appreciated! I hope this is all a learning experience…
redraw template just inside narrowist point (on bottom) and match the outline on otherside. Then try, try again. But this time go slower and focus on keeping that saw vertical.
this may be more than you want to tackle on board #4, but you could add in two more stringers, or widen the center stringer to gain your board width back.
Glue the rail back on and re-cut that section. Use a soft glue like gorilla glue, otherwise it will be hard to fair when sanding, but clamp it tight with tape to minimise the glue line.
I think gluing it back on might be the best option, but if you’re gonna use Gorilla Glue don’t spread it all over the piece, just use a small bit that won’t intersect with the rail line. The glue will leave a slight high spot if you don’t. It doesn’t like to blend as much as foam.