In the early beginnings of the longboard ‘resurgense’, say '87 on, this guy was clearly the ‘man’ hands down(great strong style, bad attitude!), I thought longboarders were ‘kooks’ until I saw him and Steve Walden redefine ‘high perfomance’ at Cardiff Reef many times. These guys deserve ‘way’ more recognition than they now get. Longboard Mag has become extremely boring, and surfing performance compared to the strong underground Longboard revival of the '87-'92 period is lackluster at best! How do I know? I was there! Surfing heats against Izzy and John Paskowitz, young ‘Joel’ Tudor, Dobson, Emerson, Mike Meyers, etc. The new crew is B-O-R-I-N-G !!! And longboard design is stagnant! We (the old Walden group) were typically pulling HangTen into double helicopter 360’s, or switch stance helicopters…please someone get Joey Hawkins back on a sponsored longboard!!! Now a new teenage pack is thinking their schooling me with their lame fin first 180’s and rehashed 60’s shapes!!! Please god bring back H-o-t-d-o-g-g-ers…Ok, have some coffee and bring it on!! Am i right Jim?(mucho respect to you)? The crew at Cardiff Reef is a potbellied joke now. Longboarding needs a shot in the arm…just my twenty cents worth.
“Please god bring back H-o-t-d-o-g-g-ers…” …please god ride a shortboard or a fish or an egg if you want to hotdog. If I see another helicopter again I will puke my guts out.
In the early beginnings of the longboard ‘resurgense’, say '87 on, this > guy was clearly the ‘man’ hands down(great strong style, bad attitude!), I > thought longboarders were ‘kooks’ until I saw him and Steve Walden > redefine ‘high perfomance’ at Cardiff Reef many times. These guys deserve > ‘way’ more recognition than they now get. Longboard Mag has become > extremely boring, and surfing performance compared to the strong > underground Longboard revival of the '87-'92 period is lackluster at best! > How do I know? I was there! Surfing heats against Izzy and John Paskowitz, > young ‘Joel’ Tudor, Dobson, Emerson, Mike Meyers, etc. The new crew is > B-O-R-I-N-G !!! And longboard design is stagnant! We (the old Walden > group) were typically pulling HangTen into double helicopter 360’s, or > switch stance helicopters…please someone get Joey Hawkins back > on a sponsored longboard!!! Now a new teenage pack is thinking their > schooling me with their lame fin first 180’s and rehashed 60’s shapes!!! > Please god bring back H-o-t-d-o-g-g-ers…Ok, Dale just got the 4th board from me in a month, he never took possession of the other 3. This one is Walker foam and weighs 19 pounds unglossed, tooo heavy for Dale. Today I am sawing it length wise, 6" out from the stringer and chambering his foam board for him!!! The new school (pre schoolers) with their limp dick fins glassed over the end of the tail are in a retro slump, I saw guys surfing with beaver tailed wet suits at Swami’s. Nostalgia is fine, but lets not go backswards too far. Sure I shape retro, but they are refined to the 21st century, no sense of no rocker, double 10oz tankers>>> have some coffee and bring it on!! Am i right Jim?(mucho respect to you)? > The crew at Cardiff Reef is a potbellied joke now. Longboarding needs a > shot in the arm…just my twenty cents worth.
I thought surfing was 'spoce to be fun,I guess I was wrong.If the kids want to ride logs and lay on a zipper, let 'em. If we all surf the same on the same equipment,in the same wetsuits-what fun is that?Remember the black wettie clear board fascism? none for me thanks-ride what you want wear what you want be what you want.ride a boogie board if it makes you happy.hell,surf in a speedo(just don’t exceed the speedo limit)
“Please god bring back H-o-t-d-o-g-g-ers…”>>> …please god ride a shortboard or a fish or an egg if you want to > hotdog. If I see another helicopter again I will puke my guts out. I do ride one(actually everthing), but I’m down here in Joel Tudorsville and everone has switched to heavy volan noseriders several years ago. The mundain phony ‘glide’ appeal has got the equally phony mundain local longboard clubs causing alot of friction with the shortboarders (mainly cause they are mostly comprised of potbellied kooks and parkinglot sheep). My earlier cynical remarks were directed towards the has-been wannabe Velzy riding bouy’s that aren’t even going to achieve a laughable noseride after years of cutting people off, no less a helicopter 360. Dewey Weber, Corky Carroll, David Nuuhiwa, Dale Dobson, Donald Takayama were the hotdoggers i would like to idolize/recognize, not hyperactive copycat wave hog NSSA. Hotdogging is an expression, don’t hate, as long as everone plays by the rules out there “it’s all good”. Why limit ourselves to just a particular style or particular board. If you pulled a 360 you’d shit your Katin’s. Don’t lie, Hanging Ten, 360’s, Hanging Heels, separates the talkers from the walkers. And it excites most people that witness it in action. Most people that hate it, can’t do it…
In the early beginnings of the longboard ‘resurgense’, say '87 on, this > guy was clearly the ‘man’ hands down(great strong style, bad attitude!), I > thought longboarders were ‘kooks’ until I saw him and Steve Walden > redefine ‘high perfomance’ at Cardiff Reef many times. These guys deserve > ‘way’ more recognition than they now get. Longboard Mag has become > extremely boring, and surfing performance compared to the strong > underground Longboard revival of the '87-'92 period is lackluster at best! > How do I know? I was there! Surfing heats against Izzy and John Paskowitz, > young ‘Joel’ Tudor, Dobson, Emerson, Mike Meyers, etc. The new crew is > B-O-R-I-N-G !!! And longboard design is stagnant! We (the old Walden > group) were typically pulling HangTen into double helicopter 360’s, or > switch stance helicopters…please someone get Joey Hawkins back > on a sponsored longboard!!! Now a new teenage pack is thinking their > schooling me with their lame fin first 180’s and rehashed 60’s shapes!!! > Please god bring back H-o-t-d-o-g-g-ers…Ok, > have some coffee and bring it on!! Am i right Jim?(mucho respect to you)? > The crew at Cardiff Reef is a potbellied joke now. Longboarding needs a > shot in the arm…just my twenty cents worth. Cardiff Reef?? Are you kidding??? Why do you think so many “potbellied jokes” enjoy surfing there, huh? Is there something wrong with people who are overweight catching a few rides? Go to Makaha and see how far that attitude gets you. If you possess such a high level of talent and aggression, the only intelligent descision is to go find bigger, faster, meaner pits. Just ask Joel. Tricks are for shortboarders. Aloha
I thought surfing was 'spoce to be fun,I guess I was wrong.If the kids > want to ride logs and lay on a zipper, let 'em. If we all surf the same on > the same equipment,in the same wetsuits-what fun is that?Remember the > black wettie clear board fascism? none for me thanks-ride what you want > wear what you want be what you want.ride a boogie board if it makes you > happy.hell,surf in a speedo(just don’t exceed the speedo limit) I forgot my trunks on a trip to Stuart Florida , the air was cold, but the water was in the high 70’s, my full suit was killing me. So my pal Mario Frade, loaned me his grape smugglers, Man did I get a lot of waves to myself with that much skin showing. Must have been a bunch of phobes.
Dale just got the 4th board from me in a month, he never took possession > of the other 3. This one is Walker foam and weighs 19 pounds unglossed, > tooo heavy for Dale. Today I am sawing it length wise, 6" out from > the stringer and chambering his foam board for him!!!>>> The new school (pre schoolers) with their limp dick fins glassed over the > end of the tail are in a retro slump, I saw guys surfing with beaver > tailed wet suits at Swami’s. Nostalgia is fine, but lets not go backswards > too far. Sure I shape retro, but they are refined to the 21st century, no > sense of no rocker, double 10oz tankers THANK YOU JIM, SOMEHOW I NEW YOU’D UNDERSTAND WHERE I’M COMING FROM. DALE WAS MY LONGBOARDING IDOL STRONG AND FLAMBOYANT WITH FLAIR, NOT GANGLY AND LIMP WRISTED LIKE TUDOR, IF I SEE YOU IN CARDIFF I’LL INTRODUCE MYSELF, RESPECT EVERYTHING YOU REPRESENT.
Cardiff Reef?? Are you kidding??? Why do you think so many > “potbellied jokes” enjoy surfing there, huh? Is there something > wrong with people who are overweight catching a few rides? Go to Makaha > and see how far that attitude gets you. If you possess such a high level > of talent and aggression, the only intelligent descision is to go find > bigger, faster, meaner pits.>>> Just ask Joel. Tricks are for shortboarders.>>> Aloha WRONG…I Knew Joel when he was a pink wetsuit wearing kid with a neon airbrushed ‘TRIFIN’ cutting everbody off(less than 10 years ago)at the Reef, which was a ‘major’ longboard center from say '87-'93. He’s reinvented himself, good for him! The retro thing sold alot of boards, now what? The next phase.
WRONG…I Knew Joel when he was a pink wetsuit wearing kid with a neon > airbrushed ‘TRIFIN’ cutting everbody off(less than 10 years ago)at the > Reef, which was a ‘major’ longboard center from say '87-'93. He’s > reinvented himself, good for him! The retro thing sold alot of boards, now > what? The next phase. Hmmmm. A wise man once said “ALSO MANY CRITISIZE OTHERS SHAPES AND THAT TURNED ME OFF TO THIS BUSINESS. IT’S ALL GOOD! LONG,SHORT,THICK,THIN,1-5 FINS,BEAKNOSE,FLIPNOSE,OLD STYLE,PROGRESSIVE STYLE,…SURFING IS A LIFESTYLE…GET STOKED AND STAY PHYSICALLY FIT, ONE TUBERIDE CAN CHANGE YOUR HOLE ATTITUDE…LATER.”
It’s as simple as this: You take off on a wave, ride it until it ends, and if you had fun, you ripped. Now stop all this macho BS and go surfing.