de-wax it!

Well, I had to remove wax from this board to sell, but I was out of my usual foam dust that I use to remove the last bits to really get it extra show room clean.  So, I browsed around the house…  After looking very carefully in the pantry, I ran across a little baggy of psyllium husk.  We get this stuff at the food bins at the health food market - it’s got a bunch of uses for baking etc…, however more immediately important, it looked like a pretty good consistency for my de-wax job.  [img_assist|nid=1066884|title=psy2|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=75]I slopped a generous amount on, and started to work.  [img_assist|nid=1066883|title=ps1|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=75]Lo and behold, as I rub with my hand, this stuff not only scrapes up the wax into little clumps, but it sort of adheres to the palm of my hand making it super easy to gather up and then throw away.  [img_assist|nid=1066886|title=psy4|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=100|height=75]Very little mess! (which was nice as I was simultaneously bbq-ing some nice chicken, enjoying a Tecate, and cleaning the back porch off)

And this stuff doesn’t scratch either.  

more than one way to skin a cat


Well, I had to remove wax from this board to sell, but I was out of my usual foam dust that I use to remove the last bits to really get it extra show room clean.  So, I browsed around the house...  After looking very carefully in the pantry, I ran across a little baggy of psyllium husk.  We get this stuff at the food bins at the health food market - it's got a bunch of uses for baking etc.., however more immediately important, it looked like a pretty good consistency for my de-wax job.  [img_assist|nid=1066884|title=psy2|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0]I slopped a generous amount on, and started to work.  [img_assist|nid=1066883|title=ps1|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0]Lo and behold, as I rub with my hand, this stuff not only scrapes up the wax into little clumps, but it sort of adheres to the palm of my hand making it super easy to gather up and then throw away.  [img_assist|nid=1066886|title=psy4|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=0|height=0]Very little mess! (which was nice as I was simultaneously bbq-ing some nice chicken, enjoying a Tecate, and cleaning the back porch off)

And this stuff doesn't scratch either.  

more than one way to skin a cat



We live in a modern world.....sun first ....then hair dryer....