Deadshaper - a label, a story, a slice of life.

Thanks John,

There is so much uncertainty at critical times like this, for family, friends, and the afflicted, HOPE and LOVE is the best initial support a person can receive outside of the necessary professional medical help that is in order.  

I was given a less than one percent chance of survival.  Later on I was told “it’s up to you, you have to write your own program on this”… not very encouraging have you, but I was raised on a ranch and my parents taught me self reliance from an early age.  Without that type of unique upbringing, things might have been very different.  

Once out of ICU and transfered to The Rehabiliitation Insititue, I met my doctor and  he asked if I had any instructions. I remember telling him I want bland food:  no additives or spices or stimulants  (my whole body ached with what they call “hypersensitivity” from raw nerves).  I also told him I was a surfer, to which he replied “okay, and what does that mean?”

I said "if you put the average person out in the ocean and a wave hits them and pummels them around like they are in a washing machine, that person would get back on the surfboard or swim in and say “man I’m not going out there again!.. but a surfer goes thru that cycle many times in our life and paddles back out for more… **wipe out, recovery, wipe out recovery… I’m ready to recover, let’s get it on!” ** 

Much later on, the male nurse that was there and attended me, told me "that first day when the doctor walked away he just shook his head and told me “poor sucker, he can’t even walk”… but he added "I knew what you were saying, because I’m a surfer too".

What we do is who we are, and athletes have a different mentality than non athletic people.

Hi Bruce I read the story on the Shaper’s Tree about you several years ago.

One thing I noticed about the new logo is that the hat has the stoker V machine logo on it. Does that make it an endorsement for those boards which then requires the licensing fee? Just wondering. Best of luck with the new brand. Be cool if you had it in a colorful version like the old Country Surfboards logo.


These little fish sticks are 5’1", 5’3" and 5’5"… they are slated to get the new DS logos. Some customers are requesting the DS logo on their new V8 “Lean Machine” V-Bottoms, the std. logo is my peace sign hand symbol.

logo is killer! those little fishes look mighty pretty too!

One of these days, when I get back to buying boards, I want get a 7’ fountain of youth type of board. Can’t beat something that paddles like a longboard and rides like a shortboard. Looking forward to seeing the color version of your label.


I’ve been advised that the color version of the label will be more expensive and to just get out the number or colored pencils I want 4, 5, 6,… and the expense will increase per color separation to net the result.

My response was: well, if it is done right then you should expect to pay for a good result.  The cost will be carried through to the consumer accordingly. 

So the full color t-shirts might cost $5 bucks more… hey, some people want a Ferrari while others opt for a VW Bug… I’ll take the Ferrari.


I’ve so many things going thru my mind after reading your story and all the wonderful deserving comments of praise and inspiration you’ve earned.

Firstly, if I were to meet you in person all I would do is give you a hug and say a humbling gracious thank you. So, for now- here is a virtual hug and I thank you for sharing! If your ever in Ireland, find me!

 The logos; At first I was a bit weary on your original, but after reading your story- nothing else will do! But now you go and marval us again with your “peace sign”! Absolutly brilliant!! WOW it’s powerful mate!

Fishes; Deadly!!

T-Shirts; I’d buy one for each of my 4 kids and myself and gladly tell them your story so when they are asked, they’ll know your story and will help carry on your legacy of shaping & life!

Book; Finish it!

Lastly; God bless you!



just came back to this thread… thank you!

We just finally got some t shirts done!

Great story. I’m curious. Out of all of the different treatments/techniques you used to recover, what ones did you like/dislike? Any you felt worked better than others? 

The most successful treatments were Chiropractic, Homeopathy and Orthomolecular. and Gerontology. I have also added a very remarkable discovery regarding HBOT aka Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.

There were many other therapies and modalities that I either underwent or looked into. I underwent “Rolfing” an intense form of restructuring massage, acupuncture, crystals, use of herbs, ginseng, hydrotherapy, electrotherapy… the list is so long I forget after so much time has passed. Just suffice to say, there was no stone unturned in my quest to redeem myself, and it took years of research, discovery, dedication, discipline, implementation, reflection, assessment and reassessment to find a way back to what I would call a life.

Chiropractic is largely based on neurology and how manipulation stimulates the nervous system to regain movement, alleviate pain, and improve circulation. I regained a lot of vital movement after many sessions, it was like getting the power turned back on to my arms and legs as well as being able to bend my neck and rotate my head again.

Homeopathy played a a key role in my ability to handle the tremendous chronic pain known as neuritis. Some remedies also help eliminate the intense cramping I would experience after learning how to walk again. One remedy shot through me like a lightning bolt in a matter of 12 hours and allowed my right hand to close and grip three times stronger than it previously was capable of!

Orthomolecular is a lofty term for Nutrition. After my body had crashed and burned, it became apparent to me that I had the opportunity to rebuild my body by choosing to focus on putting high quality nutrients in it. Like Chemotherapy is to cancer… a delivery system, FOOD is the ultimate delivery system. Unlike Chemo, which purpose is to destroy errant cells, food’s purpose is to nourish existing cells, maintain the body, and provide energy through the uptake and utilization of micro and macronutrients. All food can be broken down into Fats, Protein and Carbohydrates. A good example of how powerful a cure food can be is to recall how scurvy was eliminated on early day sailing vessels by the consumption of oranges or other fruit offering Vitamin C. I believe we are only on the threshold of how important a role food plays in an individual’s total health.

Dirk Pearson & Sandy Shaw’s book “Life Extension”, a biomedical approach to aging, impressed me as it spoke of the importance of “ANTIOXIDANTS” TEN YEARS BEFORE the term became commonplace in health oriented circles. Their research also addressed what they termed “smart drinks” whose components focus on the ‘blood brain barriers’ between hemispheres of the brain, our ability to increase mental acuity and the role that neurotransmitters play in many aspects of cognitive thinking as well as short and long term memory. As gerontologist, Shaw and Pearson were exploring ways for humans to live a fuller more productive life rather than falling into decline then merely waiting out their time or going through the motions of fruitless daily living before expiring.

Hyperbaric Oxygenation or HBOT, also netted strong results for me. After undergoing 52 sessions in a small one man hyperbaric chamber that was originally owned by the Australian Navy. The chamber would be airlifted by helicopter to boats offshore of Australia making distress calls for seriously affected divers experiencing “the bends”. HBOT became a study and was used on stroke victims that had experienced compromised speech and mobility due to the disruption of blood flow to the brain. “TBI” aka Traumatic Brain Injury, is very similar to stroke events because it also disrupts blood flow to the brain.

Both Stroke and TBI patients suffer a loss of mental and ambulatory abilities due to what was believed to be irreversible brain damage. The damaged area in the brain can be envisioned as a crater of dead cells that can never be recovered. Stoke events are commonly a chain of events involving an initial stroke, then a succession of mini strokes thereafter. The usual protocol is to administer blood thinners, make the patient as comfortable as possible with close monitoring until the strokes subside. An assessment of the damage follows with physical and occupational therapy modalities applied after the event has concluded.

For many years it was commonly believed that the damage caused by strokes were largely irreversible…
However, as doctors began to explore HBOT as a viable therapy, their research began to show some promise in addressing vascular related events. A few doctors began to conduct tests with stroke victims. The premise was that Hyperbaric Oxygenation, at different atmospheres, allows oxygen to permeate oxygen into every cell of the body.
Previously, and still to this day, the traditional use of blood thinners was used to improve circulation in an attempt to reach the damaged areas of the brain.

HBOT far exceeds the benefit that a blood thinner can impart in the cases of serious stroke or serious TBI. There are still appropriate times to use blood thinners vs. HBOT, but rather incredible results were discovered after stroke patients underwent 30 to 50 sessions of HBOT while be subjected to deeper atmospheres in hyperbaric chambers. A significant number of stroke victims started to show a regained ability in ambulatory skills! Even stroke patients that had had events 10 to 15 years prior, were showing improved abilities in speech, cognitive thinking and ambulatory skills!

As I researched this, I found that the explanation for these results dealt with what super saturation of oxygen does to the damaged area of the brain. The surrounding cells around the damaged area is known as the “Ischemic Penumbra” - loosely translated, this means an area restricted from blood, and red blood cells are what carries oxygen throughout your body. So this ischemic penumbra is a perimeter of ‘idling neurons’ around the crater so to speak. These idling neurons are starved of oxygen which leaves them with the inability of synapse; the firing of nerves allowing the body to perform ambulation including muscle contraction of flexor and extensor muscles among other things. HBOT’s ability to super saturate oxygen into the Ischemic Penumbra revives the idling neurons giving them the ability to ‘come back online’. I realized that HBOT made sense for me to seek treatment, because of the close similarities that Traumatic Brain Injury shares with victims of Stroke. Both are vascular events where the brain has been starved of oxygen (hypoxemia).

After undergoing 52 sessions, I had regained enough ambulatory skill to go snow skiing for the first time in years since my ill fated accident. I wasn’t the top dog on the mountain anymore, but it showed me what my tenacious seeking could net, and fueled my drive with hope and ambition for continued success in reclaiming the life I had previously enjoyed.

Never say die…

Let me modify that… live to the fullest while you are here on the rock we call Earth. A good tip I once received was to eliminate the words “Never” and “Only” from my vocabulary. It’s your choice whether the glass is half empty or half full. Perception can fuel ambition or dissuade, depress, and trap one into a life of mediocrity.

Man’s ability to dream allows him to create and soar to great heights.

Without dreams we are lost… I said that.

Yeah brother!
I believe it was some fella
ah, YOU…
That thaught me to fear life
not death.
Much Aloha Bruce…