Decal resin and cloth order

Hi all, this is my first post - thanks to everyone’s posts I’ve used over the past few weeks to help me through all the crisis stages of building my first board!!!I’m now at the stage where I’m going to glass my board, but I’m going to put a decal image under the first layer of cloth, I know it’s probably a stupid question, but can I just used resin or do I need to mix in the cat to set it on to the foam - or should I sandwich it between layers??  Apologie if this questions has been asnwered a billion times before…Also, I’m putting 6oz and 4 oz on the deck, is there an order in which one I put on first? Many thanks, Neil

Use the resin that your going to glass the board with to put the decal on. Roll the glass back and put the decal directly on the foam,use a squeege to to work the resin into the decal then roll then glass back over it and start laminating your board. For the glass go with the 6oz first cut to the top edge of your rail and then the 4oz to wrap the rails. Hope this helps,Good luck and have fun.

Hi Neil-

Jbird is correct, just use the resin your are going to lam your board with and be sure it is catalyzed.  As far as the cloth I’m assuming you’re referring to the deck of the board?  It depends on what you have have for cloth on the bottom as to what cloth you put down first.  If you ahve 6oz on the bottom put the 4oz down first and 6oz on top.  Do the opposite for 4oz on bottom.

Best of luck.


That’s right.  Depends on what you start with on the bottom.