Deck Fabric Inlay Bubbles?

Alright I have looked in the archives and got all the info on how to do a whole deck fabric inlay, but? I cant find anywhere that talks about if something goes wrong! Everything seemed ok, I set my lam resin pretty slow to kick so I could really get everything smoothed and saturated. The next morning there are 1/2" X  3" air bubbles all along the rail. They can be smoothed flat with my hand, but Im wondering if when I put two 6oz clear glass on the deck if it will push up the glass. Will the glass dry and suck it down to the deck? Will there be more chance for a delam on the rails down the road? Any help or insite would be much appreciated. Lucky for me this board is experimental. $50 swap blank that was twisted 1/2" out. So this is just another bump in the road. I will post pics when done. R

I’ve done several in epoxy, but no experience with poly.  However, I have an opinion. I think you had the cloth stretched around the rails and when the resin began to set, it allowed the  cloth to return to the unstretched position.  When I do full deck cloth inlays, I pull it tape with tape on the bottom so it stays stretched.  Put up  a picture to confirm, but I think you could carefully cut a relief cut with a razor and wrap it in plastic cloth again pulled tight with tape.  Or vac bag it if you have the equipment. Or wrap it in some semi soft foam and pull that tight until new resin sets.  Good luck.