design question

Im going to have my shortboard template with a diamond tail and twin fins glassed on( Mark Richards style, not Lis style) with a tiny ass trailer and channels, would this design work in typical east coast beach break? thickness will be 2 1/2 width 18 3/4 and length 5’10


Put in boxes so you can try different fin combos…I’d be more concerned with float and rocker…that’s a reeeealy tiny board (unless you are of small/light build). Hope your shaper is keeping the rocker pretty flat…just a thought.

Im 5’8 135 and most of my 12 board quiver is under 6 feet, Im more concerned with the theory of the design working

Wellllll…do you know how wide the tail is (width 1’ up from the tail block and the width at the tail block…If its wider than about 13 inches the diamond tail will be a bit harder to sink than a swallow which may give you some traction problems (spins or drifty turns). You might even like that in small surf.

If you are using a board outline/rocker setup you have used before and you are just screwing with the fins I still think boxes are better…but if they are glassed on, you could start with a standard thruster set up and just grind down the stabilizer bit by bit until you get it to feel right.

If you are using a professional shaper…ask and listen to him. If you and or your mates are making it, I’d go with the grinding scenerio.

As far as channels go…they’ll be a feel thing and fall under a personal preference kinda deal.