Design Qustion for the fin guys

What would a fin that had less toe at the bottom and more at the tip (ie twisted) go like?

If you used a curvy rocker so the board surfed on it’s rail more and the base of the fin lifted out of the water in turns, would the outside rail move faster beacause the part of the fin in the water is more at a tangent to the arc of the turn? and wouldn’t the board go faster in trim becuase there’d be less drag from the base of the fins?

Or would the twist create negative effects that I can’t imagine because I don’t know that much about fins?

In trim, would the board naturally want to drift in one direction because water would be passing by the fin at different speeds on each side, similar to how an airplane generates lift? If you had a tri-fin setup, these effects could cancel each other out or, a more desireable possibility, you could position the fins and design the “twist” in the fin so that these forces would work together and essentially create “thrust” in a forward direction.

ask halcyon. the fins that he put on that board he posted here have something like that if not that exact set-up.

"Twisted in the direction of laminar flow means that while the base of the fin a towed in toward the nose of the board as the fin gets further from the board the angle of tow-lessens and is more in the direction that the board is going. I hope this similifies things. " -From design forum