designs for t/shirt

Why don’t we all come up with a design for a swaylocks t/shirt.I did some for myself by using computer cut sign writing, covered a silk screen. it stuck fine, Got the correct ink and went for it.Used the hair dryer then the iron with some brown paper, got good fine detail. What about a surfboard with a huge chain around it with a padlock holding the ends together Rabbit

Yeah, let the lock have little motion lines around it like It’s SWAY-ing from side to side, too. NOT! (you one silly buggah!). Sorry, eh!

I don’t know… a play on words with the name? - What does the name ‘Swaylock’s’ mean anyway? I didn’t think it was the name of our ‘fearless moderator’ ?>>> Why don’t we all come up with a design for a swaylocks t/shirt.I did some > for myself by using computer cut sign writing, covered a silk screen. it > stuck fine, Got the correct ink and went for it.Used the hair dryer then > the iron with some brown paper, got good fine detail. What about a > surfboard with a huge chain around it with a padlock holding the ends > together Rabbit

I always thought of worlock when I think of swaylock. How about rising smoke which makes up a translucent board, or swaylock written so that it looks like it was woven from sticks. Maybe I am just in Halloween mode right now. Or swaylock done so that it looks like it has been carved from surfboard foam.

Well then I’m sure he’ll like this idea. How about two palm trees swaying with locks on them instead of coconuts. Underneath the trees two guys arguing about shortboards vs longboards without leashes.

Well then I’m sure he’ll like this idea. How about two palm trees swaying > with locks on them instead of coconuts. Underneath the trees two guys > arguing about shortboards vs longboards without leashes. Now that’s a crack-up!Herb.

How about two palm trees framing a nice wave in the background. Under one tree is the statue of the “thinker” and under the other is a blank on a rack with a planer sitting on it. Under the picture it says

A planer running with foam dust shooting out (up the shirt) - hands on it - in a field of white (the t-shirt) and a dark stringer running though it vertically. Somekind of Swaylocks logo in the upper R or L corner. too serious?

A planer running with foam dust shooting out (up the shirt) - hands on it > - in a field of white (the t-shirt) and a dark stringer running though it > vertically. Somekind of Swaylocks logo in the upper R or L corner.>>> too serious? Very graphic and represents the passion that fuels us. I like it. Very cool if it was a pocket T with the top half of a short board and longboard sticking up from the pocket. Oh yeah, show Superchargers on the short board. Magoo P.S. Herb, Finishing up my second Supercharger, it is a 6’8" and is looking nice so far…

Thanks Magoo. Glad you like it. I like the pocket/boards idea as well - though you need the rear half of the shortboard sticking out of the pocket to show the superchargers. Mike/Swaylock, Here’s your start into the t-shirt / silk-screen business! (I’ll take my percentage and spend it on tools… ) And the question stands (at least from me)… Why the name “Swaylock’s”? Is this on the site somewhere that I’ve missed? Eric>>> Very graphic and represents the passion that fuels us. I like it. Very > cool if it was a pocket T with the top half of a short board and longboard > sticking up from the pocket. Oh yeah, show Superchargers on the short > board. Magoo P.S. Herb, Finishing up my second Supercharger, it is a > 6’8" and is looking nice so far…

Why the name > “Swaylock’s”? Is this on the site somewhere that I’ve missed? > Eric Swaylock is a nickname.

Allright, I’ll drop it… unless you feel the need to unload your secrets on the BB! E>>> Swaylock is a nickname.

Thanks Magoo. Glad you like it. I like the pocket/boards idea as well - > though you need the rear half of the shortboard sticking out of the pocket > to show the superchargers. Ya got me Eric! Sometimes the muse hits and a person thinks faster than they type, hence the 180 degree rotation without correcting the post. I think that a nice three stringer, single fin LB with either a swallow or squash tail 'Charged Thruster sticking up from the pocket would blend effectively and send the right message. You can also have a surfmat on the short sleeve to represent alternative craft (waddaya think Dale?). Magoo

Yes. Ummm… surfmat leaning up against the pocket - fins next to the mat. (now how do we avoid putting a boogy-board on here? Considering a paipo, skimboard, kneeboard, paddleboard, tow-in board, catamaran, outrigger…?) This could get nuts - surfboards go with foam/shaping/stringers. We can’t have it all. 1 extra-large Swaylocks shirt please.>>> Ya got me Eric! Sometimes the muse hits and a person thinks faster than > they type, hence the 180 degree rotation without correcting the post. I > think that a nice three stringer, single fin LB with either a swallow or > squash tail 'Charged Thruster sticking up from the pocket would blend > effectively and send the right message. You can also have a surfmat on the > short sleeve to represent alternative craft (waddaya think Dale?). Magoo