I have a Performance 9"2 longboard with a square tail. The tail is very badly damaged on both corners. I would like to re-shape to a diamond tail. What is the best angle to use??? Does anbody have a diamond tail??? What sort of performance can I expect??? Any thoughts gratefully received. Saul
my favirote longboard had a diamond tail!!! I loved it soo much. Ukelele drifter. ( it blew off the roof on the freeway and was never found. I’d say the angle was anywhere from 120 to 160.
I have a Haut 9’2" diamond tail big wave long board. I’d be glad to send you a photo of it if your interested. Mahalo, Rich
That would be great, if you could email a picture of your board & one of the tail, if thats possible. Whats the angle on the tail/rail profile??. Many thanks, Saul
Saul, What’s your email address? Rich
Rich, tkanks, Saul
if your tail block isn’t too messed up, put a mark about a 1/4" up from the tip on the bottom side of the rail. draw straight line to center of stringer. voila! diamond tail! if 1/4" doesn’t look like enough move up a tad. not too much, cuz they start looking funky with too much point. if you’re good with a sander, just put the pad to the block and let it rip. should be able to take it down and just patch as is, no reshaping of the tail. good luck.