Howzit Lee, One thing no one has mentioned is the fact that there were over 60 aftershocks and I think even into the next day. This would defintely make for some tiny tsunamis that didn't really register on the bouysbut still make for a funny ocean.Aloha,Kokua
I was back home in Tahiti recently during Hurricane Oli,“red alert” was declared,some kids went out anyway to surf,6 of them,they all were taken to their parents,who were fined $150!I know my compatriots,those kids got lickin’s! This is Hakahetau,Ua Pou island,Marquesas.
Well - According the info I just read, the tsunami was suppose to hit Newport OR, @ 4pm, right about the time I went out. Guess the 1-2 pm warning was different, who knows. Pretty sure that explains the whole place seeming like a rip, and then me being able to paddle in against the rip next to the jetty. Hmm - And there were some good looking waves too, but hard for me to paddle with all that water moving… Got some anyway. And, I think I’ll think twice about going out depending on the conditions, if there’s another 1-3 foot… Ah, now I get it, I heard 1-3’ as 1-3pm… Ah ha!!! Ok - enough fever induced rambling.
It was a nationwide event here and I am one of the few who isn’t bitching and moaning about the fact that it was the highlight of Sunday tv broadcasts for the day. Surely the information gleaned will benefit future generations if the day comes again. I may be asking too much for people to realize this had nothing to do with anyone crying wolf. Some remember and know tsunamis are very real threats.